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Economic performance

Key developments

  • 28 production days lost at Zondereinde owing to DMR-related safety stoppage resulting in production losses of approximately 28 000oz 3PGE+Au.
  • Average rand price received for basket of metals increased from R323 899/kg to R335 325/kg while operating cost were R311 645/kg – resulting in an operating margin of 9.2%.
  • Dividends of R57.3 million were paid to shareholders (F2011: R90 million).
  • R10.8 million contributed toward the Toro Employee Empowerment Trust.
  • Taxes paid to national, provincial and local government of R322.6 million (F2011: R343 million).
  • Township and land development amounted to R11.5 million (F2011: R8.8 million).

Approach and structure

Based on market capitalisation, Northam is considered to be a mid-tier PGM company. However, unlike many of its peers and smaller producers, Northam is unique in that it has full ownership of its production stream, from mining to processing to marketing.

At Zondereinde, Northam's smelter complex produces final precious metal concentrate which is processed in terms of a long-term toll-refining contract with Heraeus GmbH (Heraeus). The precious metals emanating from the Heraeus refinery are shipped to Northam's customers in Europe, Japan and North America. The by-product base metals, copper and nickel sulphate, are extracted at the on-site base metals removal plant and are sold in the domestic market.

Performance F2012

The company's performance in terms of economic contributions is dealt with comprehensively in Northam's integrated annual report for F2012.

The key features are listed below.

  • 28 production days (870kg) were lost at Zondereinde owing to safety stoppage interventions by the DMR. This translated into revenue losses of approximately R300 million.
  • A run-out at the Zondereinde smelter resulted in the planned rebuild of the furnace being rescheduled to an earlier date. The cost of the rebuild is estimated at R41.5 million.
  • Northam continued to invest in capital expenditure at both Zondereinde (R328.3 million) and Booysendal (R1.7 billion).
  • Metals in concentrate produced by Zondereinde were 15.4% higher than in F2011.
  • The average rand price received for Northam's PGM basket was 3.5% higher at R335 325/kg; while operating costs increased by 1.4% to R311 645/kg.
  • No significant financial assistance received from government.

Value added statement

  2012 2011
  % R000 % R000
Sales revenue   3 684 000   3 571 048
Less: Purchase of goods and services in order to operate mine and produce refined metals   (1 910 986)   (1 984 975)
Value added by operations 94.4 1 773 014 91.6 1 586 073
Add: Share of earnings from associate 0.4 6 734 0.4 7 248
Investment income 2.9 53 951 4.9 85 520
Sundry expenditure/income 2.3 43 343 3.1 53 148
Total value added 100.0 1 877 042 100.0 1 731 989
Value distributed        
56.2 1 055 805 51.1 883 444
Salaries and wages 56.4 1 057 780 49.9 863 719
Contributions to retirement benefit funds 4.5 84 212 4.3 74 096
Contributions to health funds 3.0 55 627 3.2 54 606
Pay-as-you-earn deducted (7.6) (141 814) (6.3) (108 977)
17.2 322 617 19.8 342 972
Mining and non-mining tax including capital gains tax 5.9 110 767 8.3 143 048
Deferred tax 1.5 27 482 1.7 29 933
State’s share of profits
Secondary tax on companies 0.2 3 824 0.5 9 020
Royalties 2.1 38 730 3.0 51 994
Pay-as-you-earn deducted from employees 7.6 141 814 6.3 108 977
Providers of capital
Dividends 3.1 57 364 5.2 90 202
Broader community
Corporate social investment 0.1 2 782 0.2 4 116
Total value distributed 76.6 1 438 568 76.3 1 320 734
Retained by company
23.4 438 474 23.7 411 255
Depreciation 10.1 190 287 8.4 147 838
Decommissioning provision to meet statutory obligations 0.3 4 907 0.3 (4 110)
Retained income 13.0 243 280 15.0 259 007
  100.0 1 877 042 100.0 1 731 989
Value distribution F2012
Operating margin [graph]

Direct and indirect economic impacts

  • R10.8 million contributed toward the Toro Employee Empowerment Trust.
  • Continued engagement of 6 916 permanent and 4 757 contractor employees at both Booysendal and Zondereinde.
  • Dividends of R57.4 million were paid to shareholders (F2011: R90 million).
  • Taxes paid to national, provincial and local government amounted to R322.6 million (F2011: R343 million).
  • 140 housing units were sold to employees in terms of the affordable home ownership scheme. This brings the total to 240 houses. Township and land development amounted to R6.5 million (F2011: R8.8 million).
  • Expenditure on social investment and local economic development declined to R2.8 million.

Black economic empowerment

Over the past year the company's black empowerment status was compromised when the BEE shareholders were required, by their lending institutions, to address certain breaches of covenants contained in the financing agreements concluded for the purposes of initially acquiring their Northam shares. The lending banks have since exercised claims over these pledged shares and have indicated that they have disposed of a number of shares to restore the debt cover ratios of Afripalm and Mvela Holdings.

Northam's empowerment holdings have dropped to below the 26% level required by the MPRDA. In mitigation of this risk, the board has proposed that Northam develop a scheme to increase its BEE shareholding percentage to the level required by the Mining Charter in 2014, and has furthermore established the following key principles around which the BEE Transaction should be structured:

  • The BEE Transaction should ensure compliance by Northam and the relevant participants with the provisions and principles of the Mining Charter and the requirements of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA).
  • The BEE Transaction should be sustainable and be beneficial for all stakeholders, including existing shareholders.
  • The BEE Transaction should ensure that Northam's BEE shareholding is secured at the requisite level for an extended period so as not to threaten its BEE status in the future.
  • The cost of the BEE Transaction to Shareholders should be minimised.
  • Participation in the BEE Transaction should be as broad-based as possible.
  • Northam's HDSA employees should also participate in the proposed BEE Transaction scheme.

With the above principles in mind, and subject to approval by the DMR, Northam proposes to proceed with the creation of one or more empowerment trusts, the beneficiaries of which are expected to comprise Northam's employees, relevant communities and other broad based BEE entities.

Empowering local communities through procurement

Northam's procurement policy gives BEE suppliers preferred status, provided they are commercially competitive. Both Booysendal and Zondereinde mines have well-developed systems in place to monitor and promote expenditure with these identified suppliers.

In F2012 total procurement spend at Northam (both Zondereinde and Booysendal) amounted to R3.6 billion (F2011: R2.4 billion). The BEE component of this amounted to R2.3 million (F2011: R1.6 billion) or 66% of the total.

In line with the requirements of the Mining Charter, Northam reports BEE/HDSA expenditure at 26.5% (F2011: 18.4%) for capital goods, 32.0% (F2011: 35.6%) for consumables/custom purchases and 7.5% (F2011: 10.7%) for services.


Northam's commitment to local beneficiation is demonstrated in the role it has played in facilitating the development of Heraeus' PGM refinery facility refining by in Port Elizabeth.

As part of the process, Northam continues to supply a percentage of its metal to Heraeus locally for industrial use. Both Northam and Heraeus have expressed their commitment to building local intellectual capital and to this end, these entities continue to engage with a number of scientific, research and educational institutions.

Local economic development and transformation

At the Zondereinde division the Life Centre Project (a community skills-training project started by the mine in 2004) is being realigned to meet the Mining Charter's local economic development criteria. The emphasis in this realignment is to create a business support hub which can exist independently from the Zondereinde mine and to be managed by a section 21 company.

In addition a number of options are being considered in partnership with the local authorities in support of poverty alleviation, infrastructure and other local economic development. An important consideration in this regard is to avoid mere survivalist businesses but to focus on portable skills, supported by accredited training initiatives.

Breakdown of expenditure – F2012

  Capital Services Consumables Custom purchases and toll smelting Total % spend
  Capital Services & contractors Consumables Custom purchases and toll smelting Including custom purchases and toll smelting Percentage including custom purchases
Discetionary spend            
HDSA owned (BEE equity >50%) 307 125 840 42 172 069 45 319 390 394 617 299 11.1
HDSA empowered (BEE equity 25.1% to 50%) 600 844 288 148 253 242 253 932 755 813 619 637 1 816 649 922 51.1
HDSA influenced (BEE equity 5.0% to 25%) 56 345 629 56 345 629 1.6
Multi national enterprises 36 278 362 18 110 297 24 098 790 78 487 450 2.2
Measured HDSA spend 944 248 490 264 881 237 323 350 936 813 619 637 2 346 100 301 66.0
Without HDSA 694 950 679 137 913 587 378 472 006 1 211 336 272 34.0
Total discretionary spend 1 639 199 170 402 794 825 701 822 942 813 619 637 3 557 436 573 100.0
Non-discretionary spend            
– Electricity   292 230 745.59     292 230 746  
– Water   14 113 910.13     14 113 910  
– Municipal Services   1 589 110.25     1 589 110  
– Royalties   5 224 846.00     5 224 846  
Total non-discetionary spend   313 586.97     3 131 586.97  
Total expenditure 1 639 199 170 715 953 437 701 822 942 813 619 637 3 870 595 185  
Percentage HDSA spend 26.5% 7.5% 32.0%   66.0%