Announcements 2021

Update regarding the composite transaction – implementation of the Zambezi scheme, pursuant to which (I) Northam acquires all the Zambezi preference shares not already held and (ii) the repurchase becomes wholly unconditional

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).


    Shareholders are referred to the Scheme Documents as well as the combined announcements published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021, Monday, 31 May 2021, Monday, 21 June 2021, Wednesday, 30 June 2021, Tuesday, 6 July 2021, Tuesday, 20 July 2021 and Thursday, 5 August 2021 as well as the announcement published by Northam on Friday, 11 June 2021 pertaining to the Composite Transaction.


    Northam is pleased to advise that, pursuant to the implementation of the Zambezi Scheme today, Northam now holds all of the Zambezi Preference Shares in issue. 
    Furthermore, Shareholders are advised that following the implementation of the Zambezi Scheme, all of the Transaction Conditions have now been fulfilled or waived. Accordingly, the Repurchase has become wholly unconditional and the Transaction will be implemented in accordance with the salient dates and times set out in the announcement published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Thursday, 5 August 2021.


    The Independent Board and Northam Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam) collectively and individually accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certify that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.


    The Northam Holdings Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam Holdings) accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam Holdings is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.

23 August 2021

Corporate advisor to Northam and Northam Holdings
One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited

Equity Sponsor, Debt Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam and Equity Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Holdings
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Attorneys to Northam and Northam Holdings
Webber Wentzel

Independent Sponsor to Northam and Northam Holdings
Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Foreign Shareholders are referred to the disclaimer in the Announcement which applies to this announcement.

Media release: Composite transaction update: implementation of Zambezi scheme

In an announcement issued on SENS earlier today, Northam has advised that it now holds all the Zambezi preference shares in issue. This is pursuant to the implementation of the Zambezi Scheme, today, Monday 23 August 2021.

Repurchase becomes unconditional

In an announcement issued on SENS earlier today, Northam has advised that it now holds all the Zambezi preference shares in issue. This is pursuant to the implementation of the Zambezi Scheme, today, Monday 23 August 2021.

All the transaction conditions have now been fulfilled and the repurchase has become wholly unconditional. The transaction will be implemented in accordance with the salient dates and times set out in the announcement published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Thursday, 5 August 2021, and included below for convenience:

Event 2021
Zambezi Delisting, on Tuesday, 24 August
Expected date of lodging an application for the termination of listing on the JSE of the Northam Shares pursuant to the implementation of the Share Acquisitions Scheme, on or about Tuesday, 24 August
Finalisation announcement in respect of the Transaction expected to be published in the South African press, on or about Tuesday, 24 August
Zambezi settles the Revised Accumulated Dividends to Northam and cancellation of the Northam Shares transferred pursuant to the Revised Accumulated Dividends Settlement expected, on or about Friday, 3 September
Repurchase Implementation Date and cancellation of the Repurchase Shares expected, on or about Friday, 3 September
Extended BEE Transaction Conditions expected to be fulfilled or waived, on or about Friday, 3 September
Finalisation announcement in respect of the Extended BEE Transaction expected to be published on SENS, on or about Friday, 3 September
Northam is expected to assume control of Zambezi and the expected implementation of the Net Value Distribution, on or about Monday, 6 September
Expected date of lodging an application for the termination of listing on the JSE of the Northam Shares pursuant to the Northam Delisting, on or about Monday, 6 September
Finalisation announcement in respect of the Extended BEE Transaction expected to be published in the South African press, on or about Monday, 6 September
Expected implementation of the ESOP Repurchase and cancellation of the ESOP Repurchase Shares, on or about Tuesday, 7 September
Expected Northam Scheme LDT, being the last day to trade in Northam Shares in order to be eligible to participate in the Northam Scheme, on or about (refer to notes 3 and 4) Tuesday, 14 September
Expected suspension of listing of Northam Shares at the commencement of trade on the JSE, on or about Wednesday, 15 September
Expected date of admission of listing on the JSE of the maximum number of Northam Holdings Shares expected to be issued pursuant to the implementation of the Northam Scheme, on or about Wednesday, 15 September
Expected Northam Scheme Record Date, on or about Friday, 17 September
Expected Northam Scheme Implementation Date, on or about Monday, 20 September
Northam Scheme Participants who are Dematerialised Shareholders without “own name” registration expected to have their accounts held at their Broker or CSDP credited with the Northam Scheme Consideration, on or about (refer to note 6) Monday, 20 September
Northam Scheme Participants who are Certificated Shareholders or Dematerialised Shareholders with “own name” registration and who deliver an Application and Surrender Form (pink) and Documents of Title (where relevant), so as to be received by the Transfer Secretaries on or before 12:00 on the Northam Scheme Record Date, expected to have their accounts held at their Broker or CSDP credited with the Northam Scheme Consideration, on or about (refer to notes 5 and 6) Monday, 20 September
Northam Scheme Participants who are Issuer Nominee Shareholders expected to have their Northam Scheme Consideration credited to the account of Computershare Nominees, on or about (refer to note 5) Monday, 20 September
Expected date of adjustment (if applicable) of the actual number of Northam Holdings Shares to be listed on the JSE pursuant to the implementation of the Northam Scheme and commencement of trading in Northam Holdings Shares on the JSE, on or about Tuesday, 21 September
Expected date of the termination of listing of Northam Shares on the JSE at the commencement of trade on the JSE, on or about Tuesday, 21 September


  1. The dates and times are subject to change, with the approval of the JSE and the TRP, if required. Any such change will be published on SENS and in the South African press.
  2. All times are in South African Standard Time, unless otherwise stated.
  3. Northam Shareholders should note that, since trades in Northam Shares are settled by way of the electronic settlement system used by Strate, settlement will take place 3 Business Days after the date of a trade. Therefore, if the Northam Scheme becomes operative, persons may participate in the Northam Scheme, provided that they acquire Northam Shares on or prior to the Northam Scheme LDT and hold such Northam Shares on the Northam Scheme Record Date.
  4. No dematerialisation or rematerialisation of Northam Shares by Shareholders may take place on or after the Business Day following the Northam Scheme LDT.
  5. If the Northam Scheme becomes operative, Northam Scheme Participants who hold:
    1. Dematerialised Shares with “own name” registration and fail to deliver a duly completed Application and Surrender Form (pink) to the Transfer Secretaries on or before 12:00 on the Northam Scheme Record Date, in accordance with paragraph 15.2.1 of the Circular; and
    2. Certificated Shares and fail to (i) deliver a duly completed Application and Surrender Form (pink) to the Transfer Secretaries together with the relevant Documents of Title on or before 12:00 on the Northam Scheme Record Date, in accordance with paragraph 15.3.2 of the Circular; or (ii) provide account details, or provide incorrect account details, of their CSDP or Broker, into which their Northam Holdings Shares are to be credited, will be treated as Issuer Nominee Shareholders and their Northam Holdings Shares will be credited to an account in the name of Computershare Nominees, who will hold such Northam Holdings Shares as the registered holder thereof for the benefit of Issuer Nominee Shareholders, subject to the provisions of paragraph 15.4 of the Circular.
  6. Foreign Shareholders are urged to read the important information relating to the Northam Scheme and the Northam Holdings Shares contained in paragraph 52 of the Circular and paragraph 3.2 of section 2 of the Northam Holdings Prospectus.

Distributed by R&A Strategic Communications, Johannesburg, Tel +27 (0)11 880 3924;

Marion Brower +27 71 493 0387

Interest payment notification – NHM018, NHM019 AND NHM020

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Wednesday, 25 August 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Wednesday, 25 August 2021:

Bond Code: NHM018
ISIN: ZAG000168097
Coupon: 7.433%
Interest Period: 25 May 2021 to 24 August 2021
Interest Amount Due: R28 558 115.47
Payment Date: 25 August 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM019
ISIN: ZAG000168105
Coupon: 7.683%
Interest Period: 25 May 2021 to 24 August 2021
Interest Amount Due: R16 266 910.68
Payment Date: 25 August 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM020
ISIN: ZAG000172594
Coupon: 7.433%
Interest Period: 25 May 2021 to 24 August 2021
Interest Amount Due: R2 473 050.74
Payment Date: 25 August 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

20 August 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification – NHM011

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Tuesday, 24 August 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Tuesday, 24 August 2021:

Bond Code: NHM011
ISIN No: ZAG000159237
Coupon: 7.425%
Interest Period: 24 May 2021 to 23 August 2021
Interest Amount Due: R11 565 912.33
Payment Date: 24 August 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

19 August 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification – NHM014

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Friday, 20 August 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Friday, 20 August 2021:

Bond Code: NHM014
ISIN No: ZAG000163650
Coupon: 6.175%
Interest Period: 20 May 2021 to 19 August 2021
Interest Amount Due: R337 747.12
Payment Date: 20 August 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

17 August 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Trading Statement

In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements (“JSE Listings Requirements”), companies are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they are satisfied, with a reasonable degree of certainty, that the financial results for the current reporting period will differ by at least 20% from the financial results of the previous corresponding period.

In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements (“JSE Listings Requirements”), companies are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they are satisfied, with a reasonable degree of certainty, that the financial results for the current reporting period will differ by at least 20% from the financial results of the previous corresponding period.

The group expects to deliver a solid set of financial results for the year ended 30 June 2021 (“F2021”), underpinned by production growth and an increase in PGM commodity prices, despite the backdrop of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic.

The table below provides the key financial features for F2021 which the group expects to report, compared to those reported for the year ended 30 June 2020 (“F2020”):


Forecast 30 June 2021 Actual 30 June 2020 % variance
Basic earnings per share (cents) 2 650.8 – 2 712.8 620.0 327.5% – 337.5%
Headline earnings per share (cents) 2 656.9 – 2 718.9 619.5 328.9% – 338.9%
Normalised headline earnings per share (cents) 2 098.1 – 2 165.7 676.3 210.2% – 220.2%
Number of shares in issue including treasury shares 509 781 212 509 781 212
Weighted average number of shares* 349 875 759 349 875 759

*Used to determine the basic and headline earnings per share, calculated as 509 781 212 shares in issue less 159 905 453 shares held by Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”). Zambezi is Northam’s major empowerment shareholder and Zambezi’s financial results are consolidated into the group’s financial results.

The forecast financial information is based on draft financial results for Northam for the year ended 30 June 2021 (the “draft financial results”), which has been prepared using accounting policies that are consistent with previously published results of Northam. These draft financial results provide the board of directors of Northam with a reasonable degree of certainty that the financial results for F2021 will differ by at least 20% from the financial results for F2020.

The financial information included in this announcement constitutes forecast financial information in terms of regulations 111(9) and 111(10) of the Companies Regulations, 2011, and is the responsibility of the board of directors of Northam.

Northam’s auditors, Ernst & Young Incorporated, have issued a report on the forecast financial information contained in this announcement in accordance with regulations 111(9) and 111(10) of the Companies Regulations, 2011, which is available for inspection at Northam’s registered offices. The draft financial results for F2021 have not been audited or reported on by Northam’s auditors.

The audited results for the year ended 30 June 2021 are expected to be published on or about 30 September 2021.

16 August 2021

Sponsor and Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Northam’s Zondereinde mine concludes a five-year wage agreement

Northam is pleased to advise that wage negotiations at its Zondereinde mine (“Zondereinde”) with the representative union, the National Union of Mineworkers (“NUM”), have been concluded.

Northam is pleased to advise that wage negotiations at its Zondereinde mine (“Zondereinde”) with the representative union, the National Union of Mineworkers (“NUM”), have been concluded.

The wage agreement is effective from 1 July 2021 and assures Zondereinde employees of increases to all major components of remuneration over the next five years. The agreement is aligned with industry settlements and takes into consideration the reality of inflationary pressures faced by our employees.

The wage agreement secures five years of stability at Zondereinde and has been achieved through a collaborative, respectful and constructive engagement process between Northam and NUM, without requiring intervention or mediation by third parties. The agreement provides both Northam and our Zondereinde employees with certainty and allows a singular focus on the pursuit of safe and sustainable production.

Paul Dunne, Northam’s chief executive officer, said: “We appreciate the mature and constructive manner in which the wage agreement has been concluded and recognise the positive impact on the sustainability of Northam’s operations.”

12 August 2021

Sponsor and Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification - NHM016

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Wednesday, 11 August 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Wednesday, 11 August 2021:

Bond Code: NHM016
ISIN No: ZAG000167750
Coupon: 7.925% per annum
Interest Period: 11 May 2021 to 10 August 2021
Interest Amount Due: R22 891 080.18
Payment Date: 11 August 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

5 August 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Update regarding the composite transaction – Zambezi scheme becomes wholly unconditional and salient dates and times

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam, (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam, (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).

Click here to download full announcement

Zambezi scheme becomes wholly unconditional, confirmation of the Zambezi offer consideration and salient dates and times

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the circular posted to holders of preference shares and ordinary shares in the issued share capital of Zambezi, dated Monday, 21 June 2021 (“Zambezi Scheme Circular”).

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the circular posted to holders of preference shares and ordinary shares in the issued share capital of Zambezi, dated Monday, 21 June 2021 (“Zambezi Scheme Circular”).


    Preference Shareholders are referred to the Zambezi Scheme Circular as well as the announcements published on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021, Monday, 31 May 2021, Friday, 11 June 2021, Monday, 21 June 2021, Wednesday, 30 June 2021 and Tuesday, 20 July 2021 pertaining to, inter alia, the Zambezi Scheme.


    Preference Shareholders are advised that all of the Zambezi Scheme Conditions have been timeously fulfilled or waived. Accordingly, the Zambezi Scheme has become wholly unconditional and will be implemented in accordance with the salient dates and times set out below.


    Subject to there being no changes to the Prime Rate between the date of this announcement and the Zambezi Scheme Record Date, the Zambezi Offer Consideration as at the Zambezi Scheme Implementation Date on Monday, 23 August 2021 shall amount to R102.40 per Zambezi Scheme Share, being the Face Value per Zambezi Preference Share of R88.28, plus a 15.99% premium thereon.

    To obtain a thorough understanding of, inter alia, the Zambezi Scheme (including the Zambezi Offer Consideration and settlement thereof), Zambezi Preference Shareholders are advised to refer to the full terms and conditions pertaining thereto, as set out in the Zambezi Scheme Circular.

  • SALIENT DATES AND TIMES (refer to notes 1 and 2)



Zambezi Scheme LDT, being the last day to trade in Zambezi Preference Shares in order to be eligible to participate in the Zambezi Scheme (refer to notes 3 and 4), on

Tuesday, 17 August

Suspension of listing of Zambezi Preference Shares at the commencement of trade on the JSE, on

Wednesday, 18 August

Zambezi Scheme Record Date, on

Friday, 20 August

Zambezi Scheme Implementation Date, on

Monday, 23 August

Settlement of the Zambezi Offer Consideration, to be paid electronically to the Zambezi Scheme Participants who are Certificated Shareholders, if the Form of Surrender (pink) and Documents of Title are received by the Transfer Secretaries on or before 12:00 on the Zambezi Scheme Record Date, on

Monday, 23 August

Zambezi Scheme Participants who are Dematerialised Shareholders to have their accounts held at their CSDP debited with the Zambezi Preference Shares and the Zambezi Offer Consideration credited, on

Monday, 23 August

Date of the termination of listing of Zambezi Preference Shares on the JSE at the commencement of trade on the JSE, on

Tuesday, 24 August


  • The dates and times are subject to change, with the approval of the JSE, if required. Any such change will be published on SENS.
  • All times are in South African Standard Time, unless otherwise stated.
  • Zambezi Preference Shareholders should note that, since trades in Zambezi Preference Shares are settled by way of the electronic settlement system used by Strate Proprietary Limited, settlement will take place 3 Business Days after the date of a trade. Therefore, persons may participate in the Zambezi Scheme, provided that they acquire Zambezi Preference Shares on or prior to the Zambezi Scheme LDT and hold such Zambezi Preference Shares on the Zambezi Scheme Record Date.
  • No Dematerialisation or rematerialisation of Zambezi Preference Shares by Preference Shareholders may take place on or after the Business Day following the Zambezi Scheme LDT.

Mr Brian Mosehla, chairman of the Zambezi Board, commented “Zambezi is extremely grateful to have been Northam’s BEE partner in this historic transaction and is proud to be returning significant value to all shareholders through the implementation of the Zambezi Scheme and the Transaction.

5 August 2021

Corporate advisor to Zambezi
Nisela Capital Proprietary Limited

Corporate advisor to Northam
One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited

Attorneys to Zambezi
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc.

Attorneys to Northam
Webber Wentzel

Transaction and debt sponsor to Zambezi
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Transaction, equity and debt sponsor to Northam
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Foreign Shareholders are referred to the disclaimer in the announcement published on SENS on Monday, 21 June 2021 which applies to this announcement.

Interest payment notification – NHM009

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Monday, 26 July 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Monday, 26 July 2021:

Bond Code: NHM009
ISIN No: ZAG000158866
Coupon: 7.425%
Interest Period: 26 April 2021 to 25 July 2021
Interest Amount Due: R7 404 657.53
Payment Date: 26 July 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

21 July 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Update regarding the composite transaction – adoption of the Zambezi shareholder resolutions by the relevant Zambezi shareholders

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).


    Shareholders are referred to, inter alia, the Scheme Documents as well as the combined announcements published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021, Monday, 31 May 2021, Monday, 21 June 2021, Wednesday, 30 June 2021 and Tuesday, 6 July 2021 as well as the announcement published by Northam on Friday, 11 June 2021 pertaining to the Composite Transaction.

  2. As stated in the Scheme Documents and the announcement published on SENS on Monday, 21 June 2021, implementation of the Composite Transaction is conditional upon the fulfilment or waiver of certain conditions precedent, including the adoption by the relevant Zambezi Shareholders of the resolutions required to approve and implement the Zambezi Scheme and the Transaction (collectively, the “Zambezi Shareholder Resolutions”).

    Shareholders are advised that the Zambezi Shareholder Resolutions have been adopted by the relevant Zambezi Shareholders.

    Implementation of the Composite Transaction remains subject to the fulfilment or waiver of the remaining Zambezi Scheme Conditions, Transaction Conditions and Extended BEE Transaction Conditions.  A further announcement will be published in due course wherein Shareholders will be provided with an update on the revised salient dates and times pertaining to the Composite Transaction, to the extent required.

    To obtain a thorough understanding of the Composite Transaction, Shareholders are advised to refer to the full terms and conditions pertaining thereto, as set out in the Scheme Documents.


    The Independent Board and Northam Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam) collectively and individually accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certify that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.


    The Northam Holdings Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam Holdings) accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam Holdings is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.

    Paul Dunne, Northam’s Chief Executive Officer, commented “Northam is grateful to have received support in excess of 99.9% from both the Zambezi preference shareholders and the Zambezi ordinary shareholders, following similarly overwhelming support received from Northam’s ordinary shareholders.  The support for the transaction, particularly in light of the very high voting turnout amongst all three groups of shareholders, bodes well for Northam and all its stakeholders entering the next phase of the company’s growth and development.

20 July 2021

Corporate advisor to Northam and Northam Holdings
One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited

Equity Sponsor, Debt Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam and Equity Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Holdings
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Attorneys to Northam and Northam Holdings
Webber Wentzel

Independent Sponsor to Northam and Northam Holdings
Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Foreign Shareholders are referred to the disclaimer in the Announcement which applies to this announcement.

Interest payment notification – NHM007

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Friday, 16 July 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Friday, 16 July 2021:

Bond Code:




Interest Period:

16 April 2021 to 15 July 2021

Interest Amount Due:

R5 390 331.45

Payment Date:

16 July 2021

Date Convention:

Following Business Day

13 July 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Listing of tap issuance – NHM018

The JSE Limited (“JSE”) has granted approval for the listing of a tap issuance of Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes under series NHM018 (“Notes”), issued under the Northam Platinum Limited ZAR15 000 000 000 Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, dated 29 October 2020, as amended and supplemented from time to time (“Programme”), as guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, with effect from 9 July 2021.

The JSE Limited (“JSE”) has granted approval for the listing of a tap issuance of Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes under series NHM018 (“Notes”), issued under the Northam Platinum Limited ZAR15 000 000 000 Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, dated 29 October 2020, as amended and supplemented from time to time (“Programme”), as guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, with effect from 9 July 2021.

The details pertaining to the tap issuance of the NHM018 series are as follows:

Instrument Type: Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes
Total Notes in Issue: ZAR7 904 022 841 (including this issue)
Instrument Code: NHM018
Tranche Number: 5
Nominal Amount: ZAR150 000 000
Issue Price: 100.91640%
Interest Rate: 3 Month ZAR-JIBAR plus 375 bps per annum
Interest Rate Determination Date(s):      25 August, 25 November, 25 February and 25 May (or the first Business Day of each Interest Period) of each year until the Maturity Date
Coupon Rate Indicator: Floating Rate
Issue Date: 9 July 2021
Interest Commencement Date: 25 May 2021
Maturity Date: 25 May 2023
Final Redemption Amount: 100% of Nominal Amount
Last Day to Register: By 17h00 on 14 August, 14 November, 14 February, and 14 May of each year until the Maturity Date, or if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day preceding the Books Closed Period
Books Closed Period: 15 August to 24 August, 15 November to 24 November, 15 February to 24 February and 15 May to 24 May of each year until the Maturity Date (all dates inclusive), or if any early redemption occurs, 10 Days prior to the actual Redemption Date
Floating Interest Payment Date(s): 25 August, 25 November, 25 February and 25 May of each year until the Maturity Date or, if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day on which interest will be paid, as determined in accordance with the Applicable Business Day Convention
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): ZAG000168097
Applicable Business Day Convention: Following Business Day
Other: The applicable pricing supplement (“APS”) does not contain additional terms and conditions to the Terms and Conditions as contained in the Programme. The APS is available on Northam’s website:

The Notes will be dematerialised in the Central Securities Depository (CSD) and settlement will take place electronically in terms of JSE Rules.

8 July 2021

Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam in respect of the Programme
One Capital

Attorneys to Northam, the Arranger and the Dealer in respect of the Programme
Bowman Gilfillan Inc.

Update regarding the composite transaction – competition tribunal approval

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).

  2. Shareholders are referred to the Scheme Documents as well as the combined announcements published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021, Monday, 31 May 2021, Monday, 21 June 2021 and Wednesday, 30 June 2021 as well as the announcement published by Northam on Friday, 11 June 2021 pertaining to the Composite Transaction.

  4. Northam is pleased to advise Shareholders that on Monday, 5 July 2021, the Competition Tribunal of South Africa unconditionally approved the merger of Northam and Northam Holdings pursuant to the Composite Transaction. Implementation of the Composite Transaction remains subject to the fulfilment or waiver of the remaining Zambezi Scheme Conditions, Transaction Conditions and Extended BEE Transaction Conditions.

    A further announcement will be published in due course wherein Shareholders will be provided with an update on the revised salient dates and times pertaining to the Composite Transaction, to the extent required.

    To obtain a thorough understanding of the Composite Transaction, Shareholders are advised to refer to the full terms and conditions pertaining thereto, as set out in the Scheme Documents.

  6. The Independent Board and Northam Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam) collectively and individually accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certify that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.

  8. The Northam Holdings Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam Holdings) accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam Holdings is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.

    Paul Dunne, Northam’s Chief Executive Officer, commented “The Competition Tribunal approval represents a significant step in the process of executing on our shareholders’ mandate to implement the composite transaction. The next key step will be to obtain the relevant Zambezi shareholder approvals on 20 July 2021 and we are pleased with the high level of commitments in place from both Zambezi preference shareholders and Zambezi ordinary shareholders.”

6 July 2021
Corporate advisor to Northam and Northam Holdings
One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited

Equity Sponsor, Debt Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam and Equity Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Holdings
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Attorneys to Northam and Northam Holdings
Webber Wentzel

Independent Sponsor to Northam and Northam Holdings
Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Foreign Shareholders are referred to the disclaimer in the Announcement which applies to this announcement.

Results of the general meeting and update regarding the composite transaction

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”) accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (collectively, the “Scheme Documents”).


    Shareholders are referred to the Scheme Documents as well as the combined announcements published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021, Monday, 31 May 2021 and Monday, 21 June 2021 as well as the announcement published by Northam on Friday, 11 June 2021 pertaining to the Composite Transaction.


    Shareholders are advised that at the General Meeting held on Wednesday, 30 June 2021, all of the resolutions as set out in the Notice of General Meeting (“Resolutions”) were approved and adopted by the requisite majority of Shareholders.

    Shareholders holding 462 978 749 Northam Shares, constituting 90.82% of the total Northam Shares in issue, participated by electronic communication or were represented by proxy at the General Meeting.

    Each Resolution, together with the number and percentage of Northam Shares voted, the percentage of Northam Shares abstained, and the percentage of votes carried for and against each Resolution, are as follows:


    Northam Shares voted For Against Abstained

    Special Resolution 1 – Approval of the Share Acquisitions Scheme in terms of section 48(8)(b) as read with sections 114(1) and 115(2)(a) of the Companies Act

    303 021 606

    99.92% 0.08% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 2 – Revocation of Special Resolution 1 if the Share Acquisitions Scheme terminates

    462 927 059

    99.95% 0.05% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 3 – Approval of the acquisition of Northam Shares pursuant to the Revised Accumulated Dividends Settlement, the Repurchase, the Zambezi Preference Share Redemption and the acquisition of Zambezi Retention Shares (if applicable) in terms of paragraph 5.67(B)(a) read with paragraph 5.69 of the JSE Listings Requirements

    303 021 584
    99.92% 0.08% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 4 – Approval of the ESOP Repurchase in terms of paragraph 5.67(B)(a) read with paragraph 5.69 of the JSE Listings Requirements

    462 885 696

    99.95% 0.05% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 5 – Approval of the Northam Scheme in terms of sections 114(1) and 115(2)(a) of the Companies Act

    462 926 746

    99.95% 0.05% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 6 – Revocation of Special Resolution 5 if the Northam Scheme is terminated

    462 926 746

    99.95% 0.05% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 7 – Approval of financial assistance in terms of sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act

    462 926 746


    99.91% 0.09% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 8 – Approval of the issue of Northam Shares pursuant to the BEE SPV Subscriptions in terms of section 41 of the Companies Act

    462 926 246

    99.85% 0.15% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 9 – Approval of the BEE Trust Repurchases in terms of paragraph 5.67(B)(a) read with paragraph 5.69 of the JSE Listings Requirements

    462 886 009

    99.91% 0.09% 0.01%

    Special Resolution 10 – Approval of the Relevant Zambezi Shareholder Repurchases in terms of paragraph 5.67(B)(a) read with paragraph 5.69 of the JSE Listings Requirements

    462 926 746

    99.91% 0.09% 0.01%

    Ordinary Resolution 1 – Approval of the Northam SIP Amendments in terms of paragraph 14.2 of Schedule 14 of the JSE Listings Requirements

    462 724 106

    90.96% 9.04% 0.05%

    Ordinary Resolution 2 – Approval of the HDP SPV Subscription in terms of paragraph 5.51(g) of the JSE Listings Requirements

    462 926 746

    99.91% 0.09% 0.01%

    Ordinary Resolution 3 – Approval of the Northam Zambezi Ordinary Share Subscription in accordance with paragraph 10.4(e) of the JSE Listings Requirements

    303 020 793

    99.86% 0.14% 0.01%

    Ordinary Resolution 4 – Approval of the HDP SPV Share Issue and the BEE SPV Share Issues in accordance with paragraph 3.35 as read with paragraph 9.20(b) of the JSE Listings Requirements

    462 927 246

    99.91% 0.09% 0.01%


    • Percentages of Northam Shares voted are calculated in relation to the total issued share capital of Northam.
    • Percentage of Northam Shares voted for and against are calculated in relation to the total number of Northam Shares voted in respect of the relevant Resolution.
    • Abstentions are calculated as a percentage in relation to the total issued share capital of Northam.


    Implementation of the Composite Transaction remains subject to the fulfilment or waiver of the remaining Zambezi Scheme Conditions, Transaction Conditions and Extended BEE Transaction Conditions.

    A further announcement will be published in due course wherein Shareholders will be provided with an update on the revised salient dates and times pertaining to the Composite Transaction, to the extent required.

    To obtain a thorough understanding of the Composite Transaction, Shareholders are advised to refer to the full terms and conditions pertaining thereto, as set out in the Scheme Documents.


    The Independent Board and Northam Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam) collectively and individually accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certify that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.


    The Northam Holdings Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam Holdings) accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam Holdings is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.

Paul Dunne, Northam’s Chief Executive Officer, commented “The benefits of this landmark transaction have been confirmed by the overwhelming support that Northam has received with 99.9% shareholder approval. We are immensely grateful for the support that Northam continues to receive from its shareholders and the Board and Management remain committed to proactively creating and delivering shareholder value following a share buy-back in excess of 25%. The Zambezi transaction transformed Northam in many respects and the composite transaction positions Northam very well for the future. We look forward to the remaining conditions being fulfilled and to execute on the mandate given by Northam shareholders today.”

30 June 2021

Corporate advisor to Northam and Northam Holdings
One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited

Equity Sponsor, Debt Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam and Equity Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Holdings
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Attorneys to Northam and Northam Holdings
Webber Wentzel

Independent Sponsor to Northam and Northam Holdings
Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Foreign Shareholders are referred to the disclaimer in the Announcement which applies to this announcement.

Download announcement

Northam secures a further R1.0 billion of funding facilities

Northam is pleased to announce that it has increased its available bank funding facilities by R1.0 billion, from R4.0 billion to R5.0 billion.

Northam is pleased to announce that it has increased its available bank funding facilities by R1.0 billion, from R4.0 billion to R5.0 billion. The increase comprises a R500 million increase in the existing revolving credit facility (“RCF”) from R3.5 billion to R4.0 billion, and a R500 million increase in the existing general banking facility (“GBF”) from R500 million to R1.0 billion. The interest rates on both the RCF and the GBF remain unchanged.

Paul Dunne, Northam’s Chief Executive, said “Whilst the RCF and GBF are currently fully undrawn, Northam has reviewed and increased its credit facilities to ensure these remain in step with the significant increase in the Company’s scope of operations.  Northam is pleased to have secured additional facilities on the same commercial terms”.

30 June 2021

Corporate Advisor, Sponsor and Debt Sponsor to Northam
One Capital

Attorneys to Northam
Webber Wentzel

Sole Mandated Lead Arranger, Original Lender and Facility Agent in respect of the RCF and GBF
Nedbank Limited (acting through its Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking division)

Changes to the board of directors

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are referred to the announcement published on SENS on Friday, 27 November 2020, wherein shareholders were advised that, as part of the planned winding up of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”) in May 2015 (“Zambezi Platinum transaction”) and the orderly handover of the duties of chairman pursuant thereto, Mr KB Mosehla would retire as chairman of the board of directors of Northam (“board”) and as a director of Northam (“director”). Mr Mosehla’s planned retirement was communicated to be with effect from the earlier of (i) the date upon which all approvals have been obtained in respect of the proposed acceleration of the maturity of the Zambezi Platinum transaction; or (ii) 30 June 2021 (“retirement date”).

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are referred to the announcement published on SENS on Friday, 27 November 2020, wherein shareholders were advised that, as part of the planned winding up of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”) in May 2015 (“Zambezi Platinum transaction”) and the orderly handover of the duties of chairman pursuant thereto, Mr KB Mosehla would retire as chairman of the board of directors of Northam (“board”) and as a director of Northam (“director”). Mr Mosehla’s planned retirement was communicated to be with effect from the earlier of (i) the date upon which all approvals have been obtained in respect of the proposed acceleration of the maturity of the Zambezi Platinum transaction; or (ii) 30 June 2021 (“retirement date”).

In accordance with paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, shareholders are hereby advised that:

  • Following the orderly handover of Mr Mosehla’s duties and the pre-announced retirement date, Mr Mosehla has resigned as chairman of the board with effect from 21 June 2021 but will remain a director until the retirement date, whereupon his retirement as a director will become effective.
  • Mr DH Brown, currently the lead independent director, has been appointed as chairman of the board with effect from 22 June 2021. Mr Brown has served as a member of the board since 7 November 2017 and was appointed as the lead independent director on 1 November 2020.

The members of the board would like to express their appreciation to Mr Mosehla for his valuable contribution to the company during his tenure as chairman of the board and welcome Mr Brown in his new role.

Paul Dunne, Northam’s Chief Executive Officer, commented “Northam is immensely appreciative of Mr Mosehla’s contribution and leadership as chairman of the board during a very important period of accelerated growth and development for the company. Mr Mosehla was instrumental in Northam successfully concluding its empowerment transaction with Zambezi in 2015 that provided the necessary funding, empowerment credentials and platform for Northam’s growth. We wish Mr Mosehla well in his future endeavours. We welcome Mr Brown as chairman and look forward to his ongoing contribution in his new capacity.

22 June 2021

Sponsor and Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Update regarding the Composite Transaction

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”), accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (“Scheme Documents”).

Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to shareholders of Northam (“Shareholders”), accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Holdings, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (“Scheme Documents”).


    Shareholders are referred to the Scheme Documents as well as the combined announcements published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021, and Monday, 31 May 2021 as well as the announcement published by Northam on Friday, 11 June 2021 pertaining to the Composite Transaction.
    To obtain a thorough understanding of the Composite Transaction, Shareholders are advised to refer to the full terms and conditions pertaining thereto, as set out in the Scheme Documents.

    • Zambezi Scheme Circular, Zambezi Disposals Circular and Zambezi meetings
      • As stated in the Scheme Documents, implementation of the Composite Transaction is conditional upon the fulfilment or waiver of certain conditions precedent (“Conditions Precedent”), including the adoption by the relevant Zambezi Shareholders of the resolutions required to approve and implement the Zambezi Scheme and the Transaction (collectively, the “Zambezi Shareholder Resolutions”).
      • Shareholders are advised that the Zambezi Scheme Circular and Zambezi Disposals Circular (collectively, the “Zambezi Circulars”) will be posted to the relevant Zambezi Shareholders today, 21 June 2021. The Zambezi Scheme Circular and Zambezi Disposals Circular are available on Zambezi’s website at and at respectively.
      • The Zambezi Circulars incorporate notices convening the relevant general meetings of Zambezi Shareholders, to be held on Tuesday, 20 July 2021, in order to consider and, if deemed appropriate, approve the Zambezi Shareholder Resolutions (“Zambezi Meetings”).
      • Northam will publish a further announcement on SENS in due course regarding the results of the Zambezi Meetings.
    • Extension of the date for fulfilment or waiver of certain Conditions Precedent
      • As set out in the Scheme Documents, the dates for fulfilment or waiver of the Conditions Precedent may be extended by Northam, from time to time.
      • Shareholders are hereby advised that the date for fulfilment or waiver of:
        • the Transaction Conditions envisaged in:
          • paragraph of the Circular and paragraph 1.7 of annexure 6 to the Northam Holdings Prospectus, has been extended from 30 June 2021 to 30 July 2021; and
          • paragraph of the Circular and paragraph 1.9 of annexure 6 to the Northam Holdings Prospectus, has been extended from 16 August 2021 to 23 August 2021; and
        • the Extended BEE Transaction Conditions envisaged in:
          • paragraph 26.1.6 of the Circular and paragraph of section 2 of the Northam Holdings Prospectus, has been extended from 16 August 2021 to 23 August 2021; and
          • paragraph 26.1.7 of the Circular and paragraph of section 2 of the Northam Holdings Prospectus, has been extended from 27 August 2021 to 3 September 2021.

    The Independent Board and Northam Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam) collectively and individually accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certify that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the import of such information.


    The Northam Holdings Board (to the extent that the information relates to Northam Holdings) accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam Holdings is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the import of such information.

21 June 2021

Corporate advisor to Northam and Northam Holdings
One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited

Equity Sponsor, Debt Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam and Equity Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Holdings
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Independent Sponsor to Northam and Northam Holdings
Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Attorneys to Northam and Northam Holdings
Webber Wentzel

Foreign Shareholders are referred to the disclaimer in the Announcement which applies to this announcement.

Further shareholder and Zambezi preference shareholder support for the early maturity of the Zambezi BEE transaction and implementation of the extended BEE transaction and disclosure of the forecast exchange rate assumptions applied in the relevant independent expert reports

  • 65.8% total support from Shareholders (including the Northam Shares held by Zambezi)
  • 50.2% total support from Shareholders (excluding the Northam Shares held by Zambezi)
  • 97.5% total support from Zambezi Preference Shareholders (including Zambezi Preference Shares held by Northam)
  • 80.1% total support from Zambezi Preference Shareholders (excluding Zambezi Preference Shares held by Northam)
  • The support obtained from Zambezi Preference Shareholders is adequate to pass all Zambezi Pref Shareholder Resolutions

  • 65.8% total support from Shareholders (including the Northam Shares held by Zambezi)
  • 50.2% total support from Shareholders (excluding the Northam Shares held by Zambezi)
  • 97.5% total support from Zambezi Preference Shareholders (including Zambezi Preference Shares held by Northam)
  • 80.1% total support from Zambezi Preference Shareholders (excluding Zambezi Preference Shares held by Northam)
  • The support obtained from Zambezi Preference Shareholders is adequate to pass all Zambezi Pref Shareholder Resolutions

Unless otherwise indicated, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to Northam shareholders, accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Platinum Holdings Limited, dated Monday, 31 May 2021 (“Scheme Documents”).


Shareholders are referred to the Announcement published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021, and the Scheme Documents regarding the Composite Transaction, including, inter alia:

1.1. the Transaction entailing the proposed acceleration of the maturity of the Zambezi BEE Transaction; and

1.2. the proposed Extended BEE Transaction to restore ownership by historically disadvantaged persons in Northam to up to 26.5% (net of treasury shares), with an emphasis on participation by Northam group employees and host and affected communities.


Shareholders were advised in the Announcement and the Circular that Northam had obtained support from various asset managers acting on behalf of their clients, Shareholders, Zambezi Ordinary Shareholders and Zambezi Preference Shareholders, in support of the relevant resolutions required to implement the Composite Transaction.

Northam is pleased to advise that since the publication of the Announcement and the Circular, further support has been obtained from Shareholders and Zambezi Preference Shareholders, as set out in more detail below.

2.1. Total support from Shareholders and asset managers acting on behalf of their clients, in the form of binding irrevocables and letters of support, in respect of the Northam Shareholder Resolutions, represents 65.8% of all of the Northam Shares (including the Northam Shares held by Zambezi) is as follows:

  Support including Zambezi
(note 3)
Support excluding Zambezi
(note 3)
Zambezi (note 1) 31.4% -
Public Investment Corporation (SOC) Limited 12.9% 18.8%
Coronation Asset Management Proprietary Limited (acting on behalf of its clients) (note 2) 5.4% 7.9%
Fairtree Asset Management Proprietary Limited (acting on behalf of its clients) 3.6% 5.3%
Allan Gray Proprietary Limited (acting on behalf of its clients) 3.5% 5.1%
Prudential Investment Managers (South Africa) Proprietary Limited (acting on behalf of its clients) (note 2) 2.7% 3.9%
Sanlam Investment Management Proprietary Limited (acting on behalf of its clients) 2.6% 3.8%
Old Mutual Investment Group Proprietary Limited (acting on behalf of its clients) 2.4% 3.5%
Abax Investments Proprietary Limited (acting on behalf of its clients) 0.8% 1.2%
STANLIB Multi-Asset & Equity (acting on behalf of its clients) 0.5% 0.7%
Total support (rounding differences may occur) 65.8% 50.2%


  1. Zambezi will not vote on certain Northam Shareholder Resolutions.
  2. Coronation Asset Management Proprietary Limited and Prudential Investment Managers (South Africa) Proprietary Limited have provided letters of support to vote in favour of the Northam Shareholder Resolutions.
  3. Percentage shareholding is reflected as at Thursday, 3 June 2021, being the last practicable date prior to the finalisation of this announcement.

2.2. Total support from Zambezi Preference Shareholders, in the form of binding irrevocables, in respect of the Zambezi Pref Shareholder Resolutions, represents 97.5% of all of the Zambezi Preference Shares, inclusive of the Zambezi Preference Shares held by Northam. To the extent that Northam is precluded from voting on any of the Zambezi Pref Shareholder Resolutions, the total support represents 80.1% of the Zambezi Preference Shares eligible to vote on the Zambezi Pref Shareholder Resolutions. The level of support obtained is adequate to pass all Zambezi Pref Shareholder Resolutions.


Shareholders are hereby advised that the Independent Expert Reports as set out in annexures 3 and 4 of the Circular (“Relevant Independent Expert Reports”) have been updated to include disclosure of the forecast exchange rate assumptions applied in preparing the Relevant Independent Expert Reports. The updated Relevant Independent Expert Reports are available on Northam’s website at and Apart from the inclusion of the aforementioned forecast exchange rate assumptions in the tables on pages 6 and 7 of the updated Relevant Independent Expert Reports, no other changes have been made to the Relevant Independent Expert Reports and the valuation ranges and opinions set out therein remain unchanged.


The Independent Board and Northam Board collectively and individually accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certify that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the import of such information.

11 June 2021

Corporate advisor to Northam and Northam Platinum Holdings Limited
One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited

Transaction Sponsor and Sponsor to Northam and Northam Platinum Holdings Limited and Debt Sponsor to Northam
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Attorneys to Northam and Northam Platinum Holdings Limited
Webber Wentzel

Independent Expert to Northam
BDO Corporate Finance Proprietary Limited

Foreign Shareholders are referred to the Disclaimer in the Announcement which applies to this announcement.

Transactions in securities

Unless otherwise indicated, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to Northam shareholders, accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Platinum Holdings Limited, dated Monday, 31 May 2021.

Unless otherwise indicated, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined circular to Northam shareholders, accompanied by the prospectus in respect of Northam Platinum Holdings Limited, dated Monday, 31 May 2021.


Shareholders are referred to the announcement published by the Company on SENS today,

11 June 2021, regarding additional support for the Composite Transaction obtained from, inter alia, Zambezi Preference Shareholders (“Additional Support Announcement”)


The additional support obtained from Zambezi Preference Shareholders today, 11 June 2021 (as detailed in the Additional Support Announcement), has been obtained from, inter alia, a director of Northam and certain associates of a director of a major subsidiary of Northam (as set out below), in their capacity as Zambezi Preference Shareholders.

Implementation of the Zambezi Scheme will amount to a disposal of Zambezi Preference Shares by Zambezi Preference Shareholders who are participants in the Zambezi Scheme, for a cash consideration per Zambezi Preference Share amounting to the Zambezi Offer Consideration.

Accordingly, the provision of the additional support amounts to a transaction in securities. Shareholders are therefore advised of the following transactions in securities, of which clearance was obtained in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Listings Requirements and paragraph 6.45 of the JSE Debt Listings Requirements:

Name of director Ms A H Coetzee
Name of company of which she is a director Northam Platinum Limited
Total number of ZPLPs 15 800 ZPLPs
Value of transaction R1 586 162.00 (based on a Zambezi Offer Consideration as at 11 June 2021, of R100.39)
Nature and extent of interest Direct beneficial interest in Zambezi Preference Shares resulting in an indirect exposure to Northam Shares
Transaction completed on-market or off-market N/A
Name of director Mr L C van Schalkwyk
Name of company of which he is a director Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, a major subsidiary of the Company
Nature and extent of interest Indirect beneficial interest in Zambezi Preference Shares resulting in an indirect exposure to Northam Shares
Details of transactions in securities by associates of Mr L C van Schalkwyk:
Name of associate Bepro Messina Proprietary Limited
Relationship with director Mr van Schalkwyk is a shareholder and director of Bepro Messina Proprietary Limited
Total number of ZPLPs 122 910 Zambezi Preference Shares
Value of transaction R12 338 934.90 (based on a Zambezi Offer Consideration as at 11 June 2021, of R100.39)
Name of associate Mrs C van Schalkwyk
Relationship with director Wife of Mr van Schalkwyk
Total number of ZPLPs 75 512 Zambezi Preference Shares
Value of transaction R7 580 649.68 (based on a Zambezi Offer Consideration as at 11 June 2021, of R100.39)
Name of associate Ms C van Schalkwyk
Relationship with director Daughter of Mr van Schalkwyk
Total number of ZPLPs 19 161 Zambezi Preference Shares
Value of transaction R1 923 572.79 (based on a Zambezi Offer Consideration as at 11 June 2021, of R100.39)
Name of associate Mr L van Schalkwyk
Relationship with director Son of Mr van Schalkwyk
Total number of ZPLPs 18 694 Zambezi Preference Shares
Value of transaction R1 876 690.66 (based on a Zambezi Offer Consideration as at 11 June 2021, of R100.39)
Transactions completed on-market or off-market N/A

It should be noted that the Zambezi Preference Shares subject to the transactions detailed above have not yet been disposed of and it is only expected that such Zambezi Preference Shares will be disposed of by the Zambezi Preference Shareholders should the Zambezi Scheme be implemented, which remains subject to the fulfilment or waiver of various conditions precedent (as detailed in the Circular).

11 June 2021

Corporate advisor to Northam
One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited
Transaction Sponsor and Sponsor to Northam and Debt Sponsor to Northam
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited
Attorneys to Northam
Webber Wentzel

Interest payments notification - NHM012 AND NHM015

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Monday, 14 June 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Monday, 14 June 2021:

Bond Code: NHM012
ISIN: ZAG000160136
Coupon: 7.417% per annum
Interest Period: 15 March 2021 to 13 June 2021
Interest Amount Due: R44 950 915.45
Payment Date: 14 June 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM015
ISIN: ZAG000164922
Coupon: 6.967% per annum
Interest Period: 15 March 2021 to 13 June 2021
Interest Amount Due: R8 684 890.41
Payment Date: 14 June 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

9 June 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Composite transaction – posting of circular and NHM Holdings prospectus

    • Shareholders are referred to the Announcement regarding the Composite Transaction, comprising, inter alia:
      • the proposed acceleration of maturity and wind-up of the Zambezi BEE Transaction, including, inter alia:
        • the acquisition by Northam of all ZPLPs in issue not already held by Northam, to be implemented by way of the Zambezi Scheme and the subsequent delisting of the ZPLPs from the main board of the JSE; and
        • the acquisition by Northam of certain Northam Shares held by Zambezi and the Northam Employees’ Trust pursuant to the Northam Share Acquisitions Scheme,


Unless otherwise stated or the context so requires, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined announcement published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021 (“Announcement”).

    • Shareholders are referred to the Announcement regarding the Composite Transaction, comprising, inter alia:
      • the proposed acceleration of maturity and wind-up of the Zambezi BEE Transaction, including, inter alia:
        • the acquisition by Northam of all ZPLPs in issue not already held by Northam, to be implemented by way of the Zambezi Scheme and the subsequent delisting of the ZPLPs from the main board of the JSE; and
        • the acquisition by Northam of certain Northam Shares held by Zambezi and the Northam Employees’ Trust pursuant to the Northam Share Acquisitions Scheme,

(collectively, the “Transaction”); and

      • the proposed extended 15-year BEE transaction, including, inter alia:
        • Northam Holdings’ proposed acquisition of all of the Northam Shares in issue (excluding treasury shares), in exchange for the Northam Scheme Consideration, to be implemented by way of the Northam Scheme, and the resultant delisting of all Northam Shares on the main board of the JSE and listing of all Northam Holdings Shares on the main board of the JSE; and
        • a transaction to restore ownership by HDPs in Northam to up to 26.5% (net of treasury shares), with an emphasis on participation by Northam group employees and host and affected communities,

(collectively, the “Extended BEE Transaction”).


Find out more

This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities, nor shall there be any sale of the securities described herein, in any jurisdiction, in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction or without an exemption from the registration or qualification requirements under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.

The distribution of this announcement in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by applicable law and therefore persons in such jurisdictions into which this announcement is released, published or distributed should inform themselves about and observe such restrictions. Foreign Shareholders who are in any doubt as to their position should consult their professional advisers.

Notice to European Economic Area investors in Northam
In relation to each Member State of the European Economic Area (each a “Relevant State”), the Circular and the Prospectus and any other material in relation to the securities described herein or therein is only directed at, and any investment or investment activity to which the Circular and the Prospectus relate is available only as follows: (A) to any legal entity which is a qualified investor as defined under Article 2 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”) (an “EEA Qualified Investor”); (B) to fewer than 150 natural or legal persons (other than EEA Qualified Investors) in that Relevant State; or (C) in any other circumstances falling within Article 1(4) of the Prospectus Regulation.

Notice to United Kingdom investors in Northam
In relation to the United Kingdom, the Circular and the Prospectus and any other material in relation to the securities described herein or therein is only directed at, and any investment or investment activity to which the Circular and the Prospectus relate is available only as follows: (A) to any legal entity which is a qualified investor as defined under Article 2 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, (a “UK Qualified Investor”); (B) to fewer than 150 natural or legal persons (other than UK Qualified Investors); or (C) in any other circumstances falling within Section 86 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

Notice to Swiss investors in Northam
The offer of Northam Holdings Shares in Switzerland is exempt from the requirement to prepare and publish a prospectus under the Swiss Financial Services Act of 15 June 2018, as amended (the FinSA), because (i) less than 500 persons are holding Northam Shares in Switzerland and, consequently, the Northam Scheme is addressed to less than 500 retail clients (and thus exempted from the requirement to prepare a prospectus pursuant to article 36(1)(b) of the FinSA); and (ii) the Northam Holdings Shares will not be admitted to trading on any trading venue (exchange or multilateral trading facility) in Switzerland. Neither this announcement nor any other offering or marketing material relating to the Northam Holdings Shares constitutes a prospectus pursuant to the FinSA, nor has it been approved by a Swiss review body within the meaning of article 52 of the FinSA, and no such prospectus will be prepared in connection with the Northam Scheme.

Notice to US investors in Northam
The Northam Offer relates to the shares of a South African company and is being made by means of a scheme of arrangement provided for under South African company law. A transaction effected by means of a scheme of arrangement is not subject to the tender offer or proxy solicitation rules under the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Accordingly, the Northam Offer is subject to the disclosure requirements and practices applicable in South Africa to schemes of arrangement which differ from the disclosure requirements of the US tender offer and proxy solicitation rules. The financial information included in this announcement has been prepared in accordance with accounting standards applicable in South Africa and thus may not be comparable to financial information of US companies or companies whose financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the US.

It may be difficult for US holders of Offer Shares to enforce their rights and any claim arising out of the US federal laws, since Northam and Northam Holdings are located in a non-US jurisdiction, and some or all of their officers and directors may be residents of a non-US jurisdiction. US holders of Offer Shares may not be able to sue a non-US company or its officers or directors in a non-US court for violations of the US securities laws. Further, it may be difficult to compel a non-US company and its affiliates to subject themselves to a US court’s judgement. The Offer Shares will not be and have not been registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements.

Neither the US Securities and Exchange Commission nor any US state securities commission has approved or disapproved of the acquisition, or determined if this announcement is accurate or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offence in the US.

US Shareholders also should be aware that the transaction contemplated herein may have tax consequences in the US and, that such consequences, if any, are not described herein. US Shareholders are urged to consult with legal, tax and financial advisers in connection with making a decision regarding this transaction.

Notice to United Arab Emirates investors in Northam
If you are in any doubt about the contents of this announcement, you should consult an authorised financial adviser. By receiving this announcement, the person or entity to whom it has been issued understands, acknowledges and agrees that this announcement has not been approved by or filed with the UAE Central Bank, the UAE Securities and Commodities Authority (the “SCA”) or any other authorities in the UAE, nor has Northam or Northam Holdings received authorisation or licensing from the UAE Central Bank, SCA or any other authorities in the UAE to market or sell securities or other investments within the UAE. No marketing of any financial products or services has been or will be made from within the UAE other than in compliance with the laws of the UAE and no subscription to any securities or other investments may or will be consummated within the UAE. It should not be assumed that Northam or Northam Holdings is a licensed broker, dealer or investment adviser under the laws applicable in the UAE, or that any of them advise individuals resident in the UAE as to the appropriateness of investing in or purchasing or selling securities or other financial products. The Offer Shares are not intended for circulation or distribution in or into the UAE, other than to persons who are “Qualified Investors” within the meaning of the SCA’s Board of Directors Decision No. 37/R.M of 2019 Concerning the Definition of Qualified Investor to whom the materials may lawfully be communicated. This does not constitute a public offer of securities in the UAE in accordance with the SCA Chairman of the Board Resolution No. 11/R.M of 2016 on the Regulations for Issuing and Offering Shares of Public Joint Stock, or otherwise. Nothing contained in this announcement is intended to constitute investment, legal, tax, accounting or other professional advice. This announcement is for information purposes only and nothing herein is intended to endorse or recommend a particular course of action. Any person considering acquiring securities should consult with an appropriate professional for specific advice rendered based on their respective situation.

Notice to Japanese investors in Northam
The Offer Shares have not been and will not be registered under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan (Law No. 25 of 1948, as amended, the “FIEA”). The Offer Shares will not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to, or for the account or benefit of, any resident of Japan (as defined under Item 5, Paragraph 1, Article 6 of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of Japan (Law No. 228 of 1949, as amended)) (including any corporation or other entity organised under the laws of Japan), or to others for re-offering or resale, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to, or for the account or benefit of, any resident of Japan, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of, and otherwise in compliance with, the FIEA and any other applicable laws, regulations and ministerial guidelines of Japan.

Forward-looking statements

The statements contained in this announcement that are not historical facts are “forward-looking” statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of substantial risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s and Northam Holdings’ control and actual results and developments may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these statements for a variety of factors. These forward-looking statements are statements based on the Company’s and Northam Holdings’ current intentions, beliefs and expectations about among other things, the Company’s results of operations, financial condition, prospects, growth, strategies and the industry in which the Company operates. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Many of these risks and uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond the Company’s and Northam Holdings’ ability to control or estimate precisely, such as changes in taxation, future market conditions, currency fluctuations, the actions of governmental regulators and other risk factors. Such risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to vary materially from the future results indicated, expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this announcement speak only as of the date of this announcement and the Company and Northam Holdings undertake no duty to update any of them publicly in light of new information or future events, except to the extent required by applicable law or the JSE Listings Requirements.

No statement in this announcement is intended as a profit forecast or a profit estimate and no statement in this announcement should be interpreted to mean that earnings per Northam Share for the current or future financial years would necessarily match or exceed the historical published earnings per Northam Share. Prices and values of, and income from, shares may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. It should be noted that past performance is no guide to future performance. Persons needing advice should consult an independent financial adviser.

Composite transaction – posting of circular and NHM Holdings prospectus short form

Unless otherwise stated or the context so requires, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined announcement published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021 (“Announcement”).

Unless otherwise stated or the context so requires, capitalised words and terms contained in this announcement shall bear the same meanings ascribed thereto in the combined announcement published by Northam and Northam Holdings on SENS on Tuesday, 23 March 2021 (“Announcement”).

The contents of this short form announcement are the responsibility of the directors of Northam and Northam Holdings. Shareholders are advised that this short form announcement is only a summary of the information contained in the full announcement, published on SENS and on Northam’s website: on Monday, 31 May 2021 (“Full Announcement”) and does not contain full or complete details.

Any investment decisions by investors and/or Shareholders should therefore be based on consideration of the Full Announcement and the Circular accompanied by the Prospectus, which are available as set out in paragraph 2 below.

A copy of the Full Announcement is available for inspection at the registered office of Northam at no charge during business hours from Monday, 31 May 2021. Northam Shareholders should contact Northam’s company secretary (by email: should they wish to inspect the Full Announcement.


Find out more

Interest payment notification - NHM018, NHM019 AND NHM020

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Tuesday, 25 May 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Tuesday, 25 May 2021:

Bond Code: NHM018
ISIN: ZAG000168097
Coupon: 7.392%
Interest Period: 25 February 2021 to 24 May 2021
Interest Amount Due: R24 770 835.02
Payment Date: 25 May 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM019
ISIN: ZAG000168105
Coupon: 7.642%
Interest Period: 25 February 2021 to 24 May 2021
Interest Amount Due: R15 652 490.96
Payment Date: 25 May 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM020
ISIN: ZAG000172594
Coupon: 7.392%
Interest Period: 25 February 2021 to 24 May 2021
Interest Amount Due: R2 379 211.40
Payment Date: 25 May 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

20 May 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification - NHM011

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Monday, 24 May 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Monday, 24 May 2021:

Bond Code: NHM011
ISIN No: ZAG000159237
Coupon: 7.392%
Interest Period: 24 February 2021 to 23 May 2021
Interest Amount Due: R11 139 035.18
Payment Date: 24 May 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

19 May 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification - NHM014

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Thursday, 20 May 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Thursday, 20 May 2021:

Bond Code: NHM014
ISIN No: ZAG000163650
Coupon: 6.142%
Interest Period: 22 February 2021 to 19 May 2021
Interest Amount Due: R317 684.43
Payment Date: 20 May 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

17 May 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification - NHM002

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Wednesday, 12 May 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Wednesday, 12 May 2021:

Bond Code: NHM002
ISIN No: ZAG000129024
Coupon: 13.5% per annum
Interest Period: 12 November 2020 to 11 May 2021
Interest Amount Due: R94 500.00
Payment Date: 12 May 2021
Date Convention: Modified Following Business Day

7 May 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Listing of tap issuances – NHM007, NHM009, NHM011 and NHM018

The JSE Limited (“JSE”) has granted approval for the listing of tap issuances of Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (“Notes”) under series NHM007, NHM009, NHM011 and NHM018, issued under the Northam Platinum Limited ZAR15 000 000 000 Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, dated 29 October 2020, as amended and supplemented from time to time (“Programme”), as guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, with effect from 7 May 2021.

The JSE Limited (“JSE”) has granted approval for the listing of tap issuances of Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes (“Notes”) under series NHM007, NHM009, NHM011 and NHM018, issued under the Northam Platinum Limited ZAR15 000 000 000 Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, dated 29 October 2020, as amended and supplemented from time to time (“Programme”), as guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, with effect from 7 May 2021.

The details pertaining to the tap issuance of the NHM007 series are as follows:

Instrument Type: Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes
Total Notes in Issue: ZAR7 755 422 841 (including this tap issue and the tap issuances under series NHM009, NHM011 and NHM018 Notes, all issuing on 7 May 2021)
Instrument Code: NHM007
Tranche Number: 2
Nominal Amount: ZAR150 000 000
Issue Price: 100.42719%
Interest Rate: 3 Month ZAR-JIBAR plus 375 bps per annum
Interest Rate Determination Date(s):      16 April, 16 July, 16 October and 16 January of each year until the Maturity Date
Coupon Rate Indicator: Floating Rate
Issue Date: 7 May 2021
Interest Commencement Date: 16 April 2021
Maturity Date: 16 April 2022
Final Redemption Amount: 100% of Nominal Amount
Last Day to Register: By 17h00 on 5 April, 5 July, 5 October and 5 January of each year until the Maturity Date, or if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day preceding the Books Closed Period
Books Closed Period: 6 April to 15 April, 6 July to 15 July, 6 October to 15 October and 6 January to 15 January of each year until the Maturity Date (all dates inclusive), or if any early redemption occurs, 10 Days prior to the actual Redemption Date
Floating Interest Payment Date(s): 16 April, 16 July, 16 October and 16 January of each year until the Maturity Date or, if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day on which interest will be paid, as determined in accordance with the Applicable Business Day Convention
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): ZAG000158593
Applicable Business Day Convention: Following Business Day
Other: The applicable pricing supplement (“APS”) does not contain additional terms and conditions to the Terms and Conditions as contained in the Programme. The APS is available on Northam’s website:

The details pertaining to the tap issuance of the NHM009 series are as follows:

Instrument Type: Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes
Total Notes in Issue: ZAR7 755 422 841 (including this tap issue and the tap issuances under series NHM007, NHM011 and NHM018 Notes, all issuing on 7 May 2021)
Instrument Code: NHM009
Tranche Number: 2
Nominal Amount: ZAR300 000 000
Issue Price: 100.22377%
Interest Rate: 3 Month ZAR-JIBAR plus 375 bps per annum
Interest Rate Determination Date(s):      26 April, 26 July, 26 October and 26 January of each year until the Maturity Date
Coupon Rate Indicator: Floating Rate
Issue Date: 7 May 2021
Interest Commencement Date: 26 April 2021
Maturity Date: 26 April 2022
Final Redemption Amount: 100% of Nominal Amount
Last Day to Register: By 17h00 on 15 April, 15 July, 15 October and 15 January of each year until the Maturity Date, or if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day preceding the Books Closed Period
Books Closed Period: 16 April to 25 April, 16 July to 25 July, 16 October to 25 October and 16 January to 25 January of each year until the Maturity Date (all dates inclusive), or if any early redemption occurs, 10 Days prior to the actual Redemption Date
Floating Interest Payment Date(s): 26 April, 26 July, 26 October and 26 January of each year until the Maturity Date or, if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day on which interest will be paid, as determined in accordance with the Applicable Business Day Convention
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): ZAG000158866
Applicable Business Day Convention: Following Business Day
Other: The APS does not contain additional terms and conditions to the Terms and Conditions as contained in the Programme. The APS is available on Northam’s website:

The details pertaining to the tap issuance of the NHM011 series are as follows:

Instrument Type: Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes
Total Notes in Issue: ZAR7 755 422 841 (including this tap issue and the tap issuances under series NHM007, NHM009 and NHM018 Notes, all issuing on 7 May 2021)
Instrument Code: NHM011
Tranche Number: 3
Nominal Amount: ZAR100 000 000
Issue Price: 101.45815%
Interest Rate: 3 Month ZAR-JIBAR plus 375 bps per annum
Interest Rate Determination Date(s):      24 May, 24 August, 24 November and 24 February (or the first Business Day of each Interest Period) of each year until the Maturity Date
Coupon Rate Indicator: Floating Rate
Issue Date: 7 May 2021
Interest Commencement Date: 24 February 2021
Maturity Date: 24 May 2022
Final Redemption Amount: 100% of Nominal Amount
Last Day to Register: By 17h00 on 13 May, 13 August, 13 November and
13 February of each year until the Maturity Date, or if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day preceding the Books Closed Period
Books Closed Period: 14 May to 23 May, 14 August to 23 August, 14 November to 23 November and 14 February to 23 February of each year until the Maturity Date (all dates inclusive), or if any early redemption occurs, 10 Days prior to the actual Redemption Date
Floating Interest Payment Date(s): 24 May, 24 August, 24 November and 24 February of each year until the Maturity Date or, if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day on which interest will be paid, as determined in accordance with the Applicable Business Day Convention
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): ZAG000159237
Applicable Business Day Convention: Following Business Day
Other: The APS does not contain additional terms and conditions to the Terms and Conditions as contained in the Programme. The APS is available on Northam’s website:

The details pertaining to the tap issuance of the NHM018 series are as follows:

Instrument Type: Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes
Total Notes in Issue: ZAR7 755 422 841 (including this tap issue and the tap issuances under series NHM007, NHM009 and NHM011 Notes, all issuing on 7 May 2021)
Instrument Code: NHM018
Tranche Number: 4
Nominal Amount: ZAR100 000 000
Issue Price: 101.43790%
Interest Rate: 3 Month ZAR-JIBAR plus 375 bps per annum
Interest Rate Determination Date(s):      25 August, 25 November, 25 February and 25 May (or the first Business Day of each Interest Period) of each year until the Maturity Date
Coupon Rate Indicator: Floating Rate
Issue Date: 7 May 2021
Interest Commencement Date: 25 February 2021
Maturity Date: 25 May 2023
Final Redemption Amount: 100% of Nominal Amount
Last Day to Register: By 17h00 on 14 August, 14 November, 14 February, and 14 May of each year until the Maturity Date, or if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day preceding the Books Closed Period
Books Closed Period: 15 August to 24 August, 15 November to 24 November, 15 February to 24 February and 15 May to 24 May of each year until the Maturity Date (all dates inclusive), or if any early redemption occurs, 10 Days prior to the actual Redemption Date
Floating Interest Payment Date(s): 25 August, 25 November, 25 February and 25 May of each year until the Maturity Date or, if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day on which interest will be paid, as determined in accordance with the Applicable Business Day Convention
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): ZAG000168097
Applicable Business Day Convention: Following Business Day
Other: The APS does not contain additional terms and conditions to the Terms and Conditions as contained in the Programme. The APS is available on Northam’s website:

The Notes will be dematerialised in the Central Securities Depository (CSD) and settlement will take place electronically in terms of JSE Rules.

6 May 2021

Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam in respect of the Programme
One Capital

Attorneys to Northam, the Arranger and the Dealer in respect of the Programme
Bowman Gilfillan Inc.

Interest payment notification - NHM016

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Tuesday, 11 May 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Tuesday, 11 May 2021:

Bond Code: NHM016
ISIN No: ZAG000167750
Coupon: 7.892%
Interest Period: 11 February 2021 to 10 May 2021
Interest Amount Due: R22 052 420.83
Payment Date: 11 May 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

6 May 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Partial capital redemption – NHM014

Northam noteholders are hereby advised, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Northam Platinum Limited R15.0 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme (dated 29 October 2020, as amended and / or supplemented from time to time) (the “Programme”), of the reduction in the nominal amount of notes in bond series NHM014 (the “Relevant Notes”), guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, by an amount of R1 908.3 million (the “Purchased Notes”), on 23 April 2021.

Northam noteholders are hereby advised, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Northam Platinum Limited R15.0 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme (dated 29 October 2020, as amended and / or supplemented from time to time) (the “Programme”), of the reduction in the nominal amount of notes in bond series NHM014 (the “Relevant Notes”), guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, by an amount of R1 908.3 million (the “Purchased Notes”), on 23 April 2021.

Bond Code: NHM014
ISIN: ZAG000163650
Reduction in the nominal amount: R1 908 300 000
Remaining nominal amount in issue: R21 700 000

The reduction in the nominal amount of the Relevant Notes was effected through the purchase by Northam of the Purchased Notes in the market and the surrender by Northam of the Purchased Notes to the Transfer Agent under the Programme for cancellation thereof on 23 April 2021.

The reduction in the nominal amount of the Relevant Notes forms part of a note switch whereby the maturity dates of Purchased Notes will be extended through a purchase and cancellation of such notes and the simultaneous issue of new notes for the same nominal amount as a third tranche under series NHM012, which has a longer maturity date.

21 April 2021

Corporate Advisor and JSE Sponsor to Northam
One Capital

Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam in respect of the Programme
One Capital

Attorneys to Northam, the Arranger and the Dealer in respect of the Programme
Bowman Gilfillan Inc.

Interest payment notification – NHM009

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Monday, 26 April 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Monday, 26 April 2021:

Bond Code: NHM009
ISIN No: ZAG000158866
Coupon: 7.392%
Interest Period: 26 January 2021 to 25 April 2021
Interest Amount Due: R1 822 684.93
Payment Date: 26 April 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

21 April 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Listing of tap issue – NHM012

The JSE Limited (“JSE”) has granted approval for the listing of a tap issuance of Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes under series NHM012 (“Notes”), issued under the Northam Platinum Limited ZAR15 000 000 000 Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, dated 29 October 2020, as amended and/or supplemented from time to time (“Programme”), as guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, with effect from 23 April 2021

The JSE Limited (“JSE”) has granted approval for the listing of a tap issuance of Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes under series NHM012 (“Notes”), issued under the Northam Platinum Limited ZAR15 000 000 000 Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, dated 29 October 2020, as amended and/or supplemented from time to time (“Programme”), as guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, with effect from 23 April 2021

The details pertaining to the tap issuance of the NHM012 series are as follows:

Instrument Type: Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes
Total Notes in Issue: ZAR7 105 422 841 including this issue
Instrument Code NHM012
Tranche Number: 3
Nominal Amount: ZAR1 908 300 000
Issue Price: 100.79250%
Interest Rate: 3 Month ZAR-JIBAR plus 375 bps per annum
Interest Rate Determination Date(s):       13 June, 13 September, 13 December and 13 March of each year (or the first Business Day of each Interest Period) until the Maturity Date
Coupon Rate Indicator: Floating
Issue Date: 23 April 2021
Interest Commencement Date: 15 March 2021
Maturity Date: 13 June 2022
Final Redemption Amount: 100% of Nominal Amount
Last Day to Register: By 17h00 on 2 June, 2 September, 2 December and
2 March of each year until the Maturity Date, or if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day preceding the Books Closed Period
Books Closed Period: 3 June to 12 June, 3 September to 12 September,
3 December to 12 December and 3 March to 12 March of each year until the Maturity Date (all dates inclusive), or if any early redemption occurs, 10 Days prior to the actual Redemption Date
Floating Interest Payment Date(s): 13 June, 13 September, 13 December and 13 March of each year until the Maturity Date or, if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day on which interest will be paid, as determined in accordance with the Applicable Business Day Convention
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): ZAG000160136
Business Day Convention: Following Business Day
Other: The applicable pricing supplement (“APS”) does not contain additional terms and conditions to the Terms and Conditions as contained in the Programme. The APS is available on Northam’s website:

The Notes will be dematerialised in the Central Securities Depository (CSD) and settlement will take place electronically in terms of JSE Rules.

21 April 2021

Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam in respect of the Programme
One Capital

Attorneys to Northam, the Arranger and the Dealer in respect of the Programme
Bowman Gilfillan Inc.

Interest payments notification – NHM006 AND NHM007

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Friday, 16 April 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Friday, 16 April 2021:

Bond Code: NHM006
ISIN No: ZAG000158577
Coupon: 6.892%
Interest Period: 18 January 2021 to 15 April 2021
Interest Amount Due: R2 050 338.62
Payment Date: 16 April 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM007
ISIN No: ZAG000158593
Coupon: 7.392%
Interest Period: 18 January 2021 to 15 April 2021
Interest Amount Due: R2 516 189.74
Payment Date: 16 April 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

13 April 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Dealing in securities

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are advised that on an annual basis the company awards conditional shares (as defined in the rules of the Northam Share Incentive Plan, 2011 (“SIP”)), a portion of which are not subject to performance conditions (“retention shares”) and the balance of which are subject to both operation and market performance conditions (“performance shares”), to all employees within the Paterson D lower band and above, in terms of the SIP (“awards”). In the ordinary course, awards are made in November of each year.

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are advised that on an annual basis the company awards conditional shares (as defined in the rules of the Northam Share Incentive Plan, 2011 (“SIP”)), a portion of which are not subject to performance conditions (“retention shares”) and the balance of which are subject to both operation and market performance conditions (“performance shares”), to all employees within the Paterson D lower band and above, in terms of the SIP (“awards”). In the ordinary course, awards are made in November of each year.

Northam was in a prohibited period (as defined in the JSE Limited Listings Requirements and the JSE Debt Listings Requirements (collectively, the “Listings Requirements”)), pursuant to, inter alia, the cautionary announcement published on the Stock Exchange News Service operated by the JSE Limited (“SENS”) on 2 November 2020 and the subsequent renewals thereof published on SENS on 14 December 2020, 28 January 2021 and 11 March 2021, and therefore the granting of the awards for F2021 (“F2021 awards”) was delayed, in accordance with the SIP rules.

Since the publication of the announcement on SENS on 23 March 2021, whereby the cautionary announcement was withdrawn, Northam is no longer in a prohibited period and accordingly the F2021 awards have been granted.

In accordance with the Listings Requirements, shareholders are advised of the following acceptances of the F2021 awards by directors of the company, a director of a major subsidiary of the company and Northam’s company secretary:

Nature of transactions: Acceptance of awards of conditional shares, comprising retention shares and performance shares, in terms of the SIP
Class of securities: The awards of conditional shares provide participants (as defined in the SIP rules) with the right to settlement, after the vesting date, by way of the equivalent rand value of Northam shares, determined in accordance with the SIP rules
Vesting date: 31 October 2023
Transactions completed on market: No
Clearance obtained in terms of the Listings Requirements: Yes
Transaction 1  
Name of director of the company: PA Dunne
Date of award acceptance: 31 March 2021
Total number of Northam shares covered by the awards: 39 600
(9 900 retention shares and 29 700 performance shares)
Strike price and value of transaction: Rnil
Nature and extent of interest: Direct beneficial
Transaction 2  
Name of director of the company: AH Coetzee
Date of award acceptance: 31 March 2021  
Total number of Northam shares covered by the awards: 18 330
(4 580 retention shares and 13 750 performance shares)
Strike price and value of transaction: Rnil
Nature and extent of interest: Direct beneficial
Transaction 3  
Name of director of a major subsidiary of the company: LC van Schalkwyk
Name of major subsidiary: Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited
Date of award acceptance: 31 March 2021 
Total number of Northam shares covered by the awards: 15 340
(3 830 retention shares and 11 510 performance shares)
Strike price and value of transaction: Rnil
Nature and extent of interest: Direct beneficial
Transaction 4  
Name of company secretary: PB Beale
Date of award acceptance: 31 March 2021
Total number of Northam shares covered by the awards: 9 530
(2 380 retention shares and 7 150 performance shares)
Strike price and value of transaction: Rnil
Nature and extent of interest: Direct beneficial

06 April 2021

Sponsor and Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Early maturity of the Zambezi BEE transaction and implementation of an extended BEE transaction, incorporating a firm intention announcement in respect of the acquisition by Northam Platinum Holdings Limited of the entire issued ordinary share capital in Northam, excluding treasury shares and withdrawal of cautionary announcement


Acceleration of maturity and wind-up of the Zambezi BEE transaction:

  • R39.1 billion of total equity value in Zambezi
  • R25.6 billion of gross value unlock in Zambezi, Northam’s empowerment shareholder
  • R12.9 billion of pre-tax value transfer to Northam group employees, communities and strategic BEE partners
  • R4.8 billion of estimated taxes in support of the South African fiscus
  • More than 25% reduction in Northam’s issued share capital
  • Extinguishment of the guarantee provided by Northam to Zambezi’s preference shareholders
  • Continuation of senior management’s incentive structure ensuring retention of key individuals until 17 May 2025

View full SENS announcement.


Acceleration of maturity and wind-up of the Zambezi BEE transaction:

  • R39.1 billion of total equity value in Zambezi
  • R25.6 billion of gross value unlock in Zambezi, Northam’s empowerment shareholder
  • R12.9 billion of pre-tax value transfer to Northam group employees, communities and strategic BEE partners
  • R4.8 billion of estimated taxes in support of the South African fiscus
  • More than 25% reduction in Northam’s issued share capital
  • Extinguishment of the guarantee provided by Northam to Zambezi’s preference shareholders
  • Continuation of senior management’s incentive structure ensuring retention of key individuals until 17 May 2025

View full SENS announcement.

Investor presentation and webcast - early maturity of the Zambezi BEE transaction and implementation of an extended BEE transaction

Northam shareholders are referred to the announcement published on SENS today, regarding, inter alia:

  • the proposed acceleration of the maturity and wind-up of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited in May 2015 (“Transaction”); and
  • an extended 15-year broad-based black economic empowerment transaction to maintain ownership by historically disadvantaged persons in the Northam group at c. 26.5%, with an emphasis on participation by Northam group employees and host and affected communities (“Extended BEE Transaction”).

Northam shareholders are referred to the announcement published on SENS today, regarding, inter alia:

  • the proposed acceleration of the maturity and wind-up of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited in May 2015 (“Transaction”); and
  • an extended 15-year broad-based black economic empowerment transaction to maintain ownership by historically disadvantaged persons in the Northam group at c. 26.5%, with an emphasis on participation by Northam group employees and host and affected communities (“Extended BEE Transaction”).

The Transaction and the Extended BEE Transaction are collectively referred to as the “Composite Transaction”.

Northam will be hosting a live presentation in respect of the Composite Transaction in the auditorium at 52 Glenhove Road, Melrose Estate, Johannesburg today, Tuesday 23 March 2021 at 10:00. The presentation will be available online through the Northam website at

A call-in facility has also been provided for the presentation. Kindly use the following link to register for the teleconference:

A media round table is also planned for today, Tuesday 23 March 2021 at 11:30. Kindly use the following link to register for the media round table:

A copy of the presentation document will be available before the live presentation begins at


  • Patience Mtshali, R&A Strategic Communications, Johannesburg, Telephone +27 11 880 3924
  • Marion Brower, R&A Strategic Communications, Johannesburg, Telephone +27 71 493 0387


23 March 2021

Corporate advisor to Northam and Northam Platinum Holdings Limited

One Capital Advisory Proprietary Limited

Transaction Sponsor and Sponsor to Northam and Northam Platinum Holdings Limited and Debt Sponsor to Northam

One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Attorneys to Northam and Northam Platinum Holdings Limited

Webber Wentzel

Northam proposes transaction to accelerate maturity of Zambezi transaction

…and extends HDP ownership for a further 15 years…


  • The accelerated conclusion of its R39.1 billion Zambezi BEE transaction
  • A more than 25% share buy-back by Northam, funded by Northam’s 87.5% holding of Zambezi preference shares and an additional R7.3 billion of capital to be applied by Northam
  • A R25.6 billion gross value unlock in Zambezi, net of Zambezi’s funding structure
  • An approximate R2 billion offer by Northam to acquire all remaining Zambezi preference shares
  • A R33.1 billion extended BEE transaction for the next 15 years with a strong focus on Northam’s employees and communities, to retain HDP ownership at c. 26.5%

…and extends HDP ownership for a further 15 years…


  • The accelerated conclusion of its R39.1 billion Zambezi BEE transaction
  • A more than 25% share buy-back by Northam, funded by Northam’s 87.5% holding of Zambezi preference shares and an additional R7.3 billion of capital to be applied by Northam
  • A R25.6 billion gross value unlock in Zambezi, net of Zambezi’s funding structure
  • An approximate R2 billion offer by Northam to acquire all remaining Zambezi preference shares
  • A R33.1 billion extended BEE transaction for the next 15 years with a strong focus on Northam’s employees and communities, to retain HDP ownership at c. 26.5%

Accelerated winding-up of the Zambezi BEE transaction

Northam Platinum Limited (Northam) today announced its intention to accelerate the maturity date of its Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) transaction with Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (Zambezi), approximately 4 years earlier than the originally envisaged 10 year term. Zambezi owns c. 31.4% of the ordinary share capital of Northam, currently valuing its Northam stake in excess of R39 billion as at 19 March 2021. After accounting for the preference shares issued by Zambezi, of which Northam currently owns c. 87.5%, approximately R25.6 billion of gross value has been created in Zambezi to date.

Northam and Zambezi have agreed, subject to certain conditions, including Northam shareholder and regulatory approvals, to release c. R13 billion of unencumbered pre-tax value to Zambezi’s ordinary shareholders, combined with a share buy-back of more than 25% of Northam’s shares in issue. Northam shareholders, including Zambezi’s BEE shareholders upon becoming direct unencumbered Northam shareholders, will share in the value uplift of the residual value created in Zambezi, upon implementation by Northam of the simultaneous share buy-back.

Offer to acquire all remaining Zambezi preference shares

Northam will make a c. R2 billion offer to acquire the remaining c. 12.5% of Zambezi preference shares not currently held by Northam. The Zambezi preference share offer is priced at a premium of 15.99% to the instrument’s face value and will be settled in cash. Northam today announced almost 80% upfront support for the Zambezi preference share offer, from the holders of Zambezi preference shares. The combined holdings of Zambezi preference shares by Northam and the supportive Zambezi preference shareholders accounts for c. 97% of all the Zambezi preference shares in issue.

More than 25% share buy-back by Northam

The combination of Northam’s acquisition of all the Zambezi preference shares, followed by the settlement by Zambezi of all the Zambezi preference shares through the transfer of Northam shares to Northam, coupled with a share buy-back by Northam of Northam shares held by Zambezi in order to provide liquidity for Zambezi and the BEE shareholders, will result in Northam implementing a share buy-back in excess of 25%.

Extended ownership by historically disadvantaged persons (HDP) for the next 15 years focusing on close to 10 000 Northam employees as well as host and affected communities

The accelerated unlock of the value creation in Zambezi, combined with the significant share buy-back by Northam, have enabled Northam to simultaneously implement an extended BEE transaction for a period of 15 years, ensuring that Northam will retain at least 26.5% ownership by HDPs (Extended BEE Transaction). The Extended BEE Transaction will focus on empowering Northam's employees and host and affected communities by providing them with c. 23% ownership in Northam, with other HDPs such as women's groups and youth groups participating in the balance through a new empowerment vehicle to be listed on the JSE’s BEE Segment. None of the current Zambezi strategic partners will participate in the Extended BEE Transaction. At the current Northam share price, the Extended BEE Transaction is valued at c. R33.1 billion and will be funded exclusively by Northam. No external funding will be introduced.

Upfront Northam shareholder and Zambezi preference shareholder support

Northam announced that, excluding Zambezi, c. 39% of Northam’s shareholders (including through asset managers) eligible to vote on all the transaction resolutions have already provided support for the transaction, including the Extended BEE Transaction. Furthermore, almost 80% of Zambezi preference shareholders have provided support for Northam’s offer to acquire the remaining Zambezi preference shares.

Paul Dunne, Northam’s chief executive officer, said “This is a momentous occasion in Northam’s history and indeed for black economic empowerment in South Africa. Our innovative initial transaction with Zambezi, fully funded by Northam’s shareholders in 2015, has allowed Northam to proactively return more than R12 billion of value to Northam’s shareholders to date. The transaction announced today will see Northam apply a further R7.3 billion towards shareholder value creation and simultaneously convert its R12.1 billion Zambezi preference shareholding acquisition strategy into a collective share buy-back of more than 25% of the Northam shares currently in issue. We are tremendously pleased that, with the support of Northam shareholders in 2015, and again in relation to this transaction, Northam will be able to deliver real, unencumbered value for our BEE partners and do so roughly 4 years earlier than what was originally anticipated. Our BEE partners played a key role in Northam’s counter-cyclical asset acquisition programme. The level of value that has been created for all stakeholders surpasses all expectations and ahead of the anticipated maturity date. Northam would also like to thank our corporate advisors, One Capital, for their advisory and execution excellence on this innovative composite transaction, as well as the Webber Wentzel team, our legal advisors.”

Alet Coetzee, Northam’s chief financial officer, said “Northam very carefully planned and executed on its capital allocation and treasury decisions, which included a R12.1 billion investment in Zambezi preference shares to date. Our current c. 87.5% holding of Zambezi preference shares, combined with sustained healthy gearing levels, with our Domestic Medium-Term Note Programme currently at R7.2 billion in issue, enables us to apply current cash generation in the business towards accelerating the maturity of the Zambezi structure in a planned and responsible manner, with meaningful value returned to shareholders through a share buy-back of more than 25%.”

Brian Khomotso Mosehla, Chairman of both Northam and Zambezi, said “Zambezi’s journey with Northam started in 2014 and has been one of mutual respect and absolute focus on Northam’s growth, shareholder value creation and retention. Zambezi agreed to a very unusual initial share issue to take place at a premium to market value, as opposed to the typical BEE discount, in order to maximise the capital raised for Northam and to minimise shareholder dilution. This efficient capital raising, combined with Northam’s insightful capital allocation decisions, proved pivotal. A special thank you to the Public Investment Corporation and Coronation, specifically for the early support in this transaction.

Northam’s management initiated dramatic growth in production output into a strong market, following counter-cyclical acquisitions and ambitious growth projects. I am grateful for the strategic vision and support of our CEO, Paul Dunne, on this transaction which has been difficult to implement, and for the operational excellence of his team, under his astute leadership, has shown in ramping up production. All these actions combined to create a unique platform for an acceleration of value unlock for Zambezi 6 years into the transaction period. Zambezi is fully cognisant of the risks of remaining in the structure until 2025 and, taking this into account, we are happy to have found an equitable outcome that materialises value for Zambezi whilst simultaneously returning additional significant value to Northam shareholders. The future prospects for Northam post this transaction look positive and we look forward to our continued journey as shareholders into the future.

The transaction has also been structured to ensure that there is no share overhang upon implementation, to protect future shareholder value for Zambezi’s BEE shareholders and all other Northam shareholders. I would also like to thank our advisors Nisela Capital and One Capital who have advised both Zambezi and Northam respectively, in delivering a truly landmark transaction.”

With regards to the Extended BEE Transaction focusing on Northam’s employees and host and affected communities, Paul Dunne said “the acceleration of the Zambezi BEE transaction’s maturity provides a unique platform for Northam to demonstrate its commitment to maintaining at least 26.5% ownership by HDPs. Northam has made a tremendous contribution towards BEE, including to strategic partners. Now we want to focus our empowerment initiatives primarily on our employees, with additional further participation by our host and affected communities. Northam is in the position to fully fund these transactions, whilst simultaneously returning substantial value to our shareholders. Northam is also committing to an annual value transfer to employees and communities, with the ability for them to enjoy participation in equity upside over the term of the extended transaction.”

Karl Leinberger, Chief Investment Officer of Coronation Asset Management, currently a c. 8% shareholder in Northam, said “The innovative Zambezi transaction implemented in 2015 allowed Northam to attract significant capital in a cyclical downturn. Coronation supported the Zambezi transaction from the outset and Northam’s subsequent capital allocation decisions have been exceptionally well made and executed. That is why we want the management team lock-in and incentive structure to be prolonged and to be fully aligned with total shareholder returns, including dividends. We also believe the proposed extension of empowerment to key stakeholders, being mine employees and communities, is a critical element to the long-term sustainability of mining companies embarking on large, long-term empowerment transactions. This is a smart deal presented by Northam that protects and significantly enhances shareholder value and crystallises real value for empowerment.”

Tim Acker, Portfolio Manager at Allan Gray, whose clients are currently holders of approximately 3% of Northam’s equity, said “The Zambezi transaction has created significant value for participants in the black economic empowerment transaction. The share buy-back will deliver value for these participants, while at the same time being positive for shareholders. It addresses a potential share overhang upon conclusion of the Zambezi transaction and removes future uncertainty for both Zambezi and Northam’s other shareholders. We are very supportive of the combination of all of this with an extension in empowerment, with a broad-based focus on employees and communities.”

Cornelius Zeeman, Portfolio Manager at Fairtree Asset Management, currently a c. 3.6% shareholder in Northam, said “We really like what Northam has proposed to shareholders. It is a complex composite deal, but it secures significant value for all stakeholders, transfers real and unencumbered value to support black economic empowerment and creates a new long-term empowerment platform for Northam’s employees and communities. The clever deal structure includes a significant upfront share buy-back, which protects and enhances shareholder value ahead of the extended empowerment transaction. There is a guaranteed minimum benefit transferring every year to employees and communities, which is a responsible and sustainable approach. We think the deal sets an excellent example for the market.”

Distributed by R&A Strategic Communications, Johannesburg, Tel +27 (0)11 880 3924

  • Marion Brower +27 71 493 0387
  • Memory Johnstone +27 82 719 3081
  • Taryn van Olden +27 79 527 6882

Condensed reviewed interim financial results for the six months ended 31 December 2020

Despite the backdrop of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, Northam has delivered a solid performance for the six months ended 31 December 2020 (“H1 F2021”), whilst maintaining the health and safety of its employees. In addition, Northam’s growth strategy remains on track and the group continues to return significant value to shareholders through the ongoing purchase of Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”) preference shares, trading under the share code ZPLP.

Key features

    Reviewed 6 months ended 31 December 2020 Reviewed 6 months
ended 31 December
Variance %
Normalised headline earnings R000 3 270 084 1 883 912 73.6
Normalised headline earnings per share cents 641.5 369.6 73.6
Sales revenue R000 11 884 898 7 824 901 51.9
Operating profit R000 5 191 659 2 959 543 75.4
Operating profit margin % 43.7 37.8 15.6
Profit for the period R000 2 099 031 1 147 600 82.9
Total comprehensive income for the period R000 2 083 307 1 147 636 81.5
Headline earnings per share cents 599.9 328.3 82.7
Earnings per share cents 599.9 328.0 82.9
Cash generated from operating activities R000 3 144 590 2 033 332 54.7
EBITDA R000 5 411 578 3 192 549 69.5
Capital expenditure R000 1 298 511 1 352 238 (4.0)

Financial results

Despite the backdrop of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, Northam has delivered a solid performance for the six months ended 31 December 2020 (“H1 F2021”), whilst maintaining the health and safety of its employees. In addition, Northam’s growth strategy remains on track and the group continues to return significant value to shareholders through the ongoing purchase of Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”) preference shares, trading under the share code ZPLP.

The financial results achieved were underpinned by satisfactory performance from all operations. Normalised headline earnings is calculated taking into account the headline earnings adjusted for items relating to the 2015 Zambezi broad-based black economic empowerment (“BEE”) transaction (“BEE transaction”); these include the Zambezi preference share dividends associated with the BEE financing structure as well as the loss on derecognition of the Zambezi preference share liability. Stripping out the impact of the BEE transaction resulted in normalised headline earnings increasing to R3.3 billion (31 December 2019 (“H1 F2020”): R1.9 billion and 30 June 2020 (“F2020”): R3.4 billion), which equates to normalised headline earnings per share, based on the total number of 509 781 212 issued shares, of 641.5 cents (H1 F2020: 369.6 cents and F2020: 676.3 cents). This is an increase of 73.6%.

Sales revenue increased by 51.9% from R7.8 billion in H1 F2020 to R11.9 billion for the period under review. This increase is attributable to a 49.7% increase in the average 4E basket price to USD2 160/oz (H1 F2020: USD1 443/oz), a 9.0% weaker ZAR/USD exchange rate realised and a 4.4% decrease in refined 4E ounces sold.

A 37.6% increase in cost of sales and a corresponding 51.9% increase in revenue, resulted in operating profit increasing from R3.0 billion in H1 F2020 to R5.2 billion for the period under review. This translates to an operating profit margin of 43.7% (H1 F2020: 37.8%).

Production growth across the group and favourable rand denominated Platinum Group Metals prices are expected to positively impact the free cash flow generation in the short to medium-term.

The board of directors of Northam (“board”) has resolved not to declare an interim dividend for the 2021 financial year (H1 F2020 and F2020: R Nil per share). The board is of the view that at this time the most efficient way to return value to shareholders is to purchase the Zambezi preference shares.

About this announcement

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of Northam and is only a summary of the information in the group’s full condensed reviewed interim financial results for H1 F2021 and does not contain full or complete details. Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on the full condensed reviewed interim financial results accessible via the JSE link at and on the company’s website at Shareholders can also access the full condensed reviewed interim financial results by logging in/registering on the JSE ShareHub link which is also available on the Northam website at

The full condensed reviewed interim financial results are also available for inspection at no charge at the company’s registered office and the offices of its sponsor, One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited (17 Fricker Road, Illovo), during normal business hours.

19 March 2021

Sponsor and Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Northam posts solid H1 operational results…

Northam Platinum’s results for the half-year ended 31 December 2020 were released today. The unabridged results are available on the company’s website at

Northam Platinum’s results for the half-year ended 31 December 2020 were released today. The unabridged results are available on the company’s website at

The group’s results for the half-year are characterised by a solid operational performance, which has underpinned the company’s share price appreciation.


  • Normalised headline earnings up by 73.6% to c. R3.3 billion
  • 51.9% increase in sales revenues to c. R11.9 billion
  • Operating profit 75.4% higher at c. R5.2 billion, with a margin of 43.7%
  • HEPS 599.9 cents
  • Cash generated from operating activities up by 54.7% to R3.1 billion
  • EBITDA increases by 69.5% to R5.4 billion
  • 21.1% increase in tonnages to 4.0Mt
  • Own production equivalent refined metal up by 15.0% to 352 741 oz 4E
  • 11% increase in production of chrome concentrate

In his half-yearly address to shareholders, CEO Paul Dunne highlighted the normalisation of production following the COVID-19 associated disruptions. “Our production statistics bear testament to this. Especially significant is the first meaningful metal contribution from the Booysendal South mine.

“We are currently operating at close to full production. However, COVID-19 remains a threat to the health of our employees and we are still following the risk mitigation protocols implemented during F2020. We will continue to closely monitor the situation.”

Notwithstanding the 15% growth in group metal production, sales volumes declined by 4.4% to 315 320 ounces, owing primarily to COVID-19 associated disruptions. Lower production volumes in Q4 of F2020 together with logistical hurdles resulted in reduced metal volumes sent to Northam’s refinery in Germany, thereby creating a refining backlog.

In turn, this impacted available metals for sale during the period under review, owing to the restocking of the inventory pipeline. The varying lead times for individual PGMs impacted rhodium in particular during the period. The resultant rhodium surplus in the pipeline should be released in the ordinary course of business and the relative contribution of rhodium to sales is expected to normalise during the remainder of the current financial year.

Nevertheless, sales revenues grew to R11.9 billion, attributable predominantly to a 49.7% increase in the average 4E basket price to USD2 160/oz, and a 9.0% weakening in the average ZAR/USD exchange rate.

Operational growth projects, initiated in a period of lacklustre metal prices, are now coming on track, and delivering valuable contributions into a rising metal-price environment, thereby vindicating the company’s growth strategy. Projects which were temporarily scaled back have been resumed, reducing the impact of the stoppages on the group’s strategy.


As at 31 December 2020, Northam’s holding in Zambezi had reached 80.4% of all Zambezi preference shares in issue. Subsequent acquisitions post the reporting period have taken the Northam holding to 87.5%.
The rationale of these acquisitions is to:

  • reduce the preference share dividend expense and liability included in Northam’s consolidated financial results; and
  • reduce Northam’s potential financial exposure under the guarantee it provided in favour of the holders of Zambezi preference shares.

Also, if Zambezi were to redeem the Zambezi preference shares through a distribution of ordinary shares in Northam held by Zambezi, then the redemption of the Zambezi preference shares held by Northam at such time will result in a distribution of Northam shares to Northam, thereby reducing the number of Northam shares in issue, tantamount to effecting a share buy-back.

A further benefit would be the reduction of Northam’s financial exposure in terms of the guarantee provided to Zambezi preference shareholders, should the guarantee be called upon.

The transaction with Zambezi, along with the new holding of 87.5% of all Zambezi preference shares, has created significant value for all Northam shareholders. This development, together with the inherent share buy-back implied by the holding, provides a unique opportunity to unlock permanent value for our shareholders, whilst maintaining Northam’s BEE ownership.

Commenting on these developments, Dunne said today, “At the corporate level, we are pleased to have been able to continue the purchase of Zambezi preference shares, returning significant value to shareholders.”


Looking ahead, the major factors which are likely to affect future financial results, are:

  • the safety performance and health and wellness of our workforce;
  • dealing with an unreliable energy supply;
  • effective cost control;
  • exchange rate and commodity price volatility;/li>
  • management of production and performance targets to ensure the successful execution of our business strategy; and/li>
  • effective project execution

The global economic outlook remains uncertain. “We are confident that the group’s strong financial position, prudent financial controls and the successful execution of our expansion strategy will position Northam favourably in continuing to take advantage of improved market conditions going forward,” concludes Dunne.

Distributed by R&A Strategic Communications, Johannesburg, Tel +27 (0)11 880 3924

  • Marion Brower +27 71 493 0387
  • Taryn van Olden +27 79 527 6882

Renewal of cautionary announcement

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are referred to the cautionary announcement published on SENS on Monday, 2 November 2020, and the subsequent renewals thereof published on SENS on Monday, 14 December 2020 and Thursday, 28 January 2021, wherein shareholders were advised that Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi Platinum”) had entered into discussions regarding a potential transaction to accelerate the maturity of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi Platinum in May 2015, whilst maintaining Northam’s broad-based black economic empowerment ownership (“potential transaction”).

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are referred to the cautionary announcement published on SENS on Monday, 2 November 2020, and the subsequent renewals thereof published on SENS on Monday, 14 December 2020 and Thursday, 28 January 2021, wherein shareholders were advised that Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi Platinum”) had entered into discussions regarding a potential transaction to accelerate the maturity of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi Platinum in May 2015, whilst maintaining Northam’s broad-based black economic empowerment ownership (“potential transaction”).

Shareholders are advised that discussions between Northam and Zambezi Platinum regarding the potential transaction are ongoing and if successfully concluded, the potential transaction may have a material effect on the price of Northam’s securities. Accordingly, shareholders are advised to continue exercising caution when dealing in Northam’s securities until a further announcement is published.

11 March 2021

Corporate Advisor, Sponsor and Debt Sponsor to Northam
One Capital

Attorneys to Northam
Webber Wentzel

Northam increases its holding of Zambezi preference shares to 87.5% by acquiring an additional R1.1 billion of Zambezi preference shares

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are referred to the announcement dated 8 December 2020 (“previous announcement”) pertaining to the acquisition by Northam of preference shares in Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”), (“Zambezi preference shares”).

  2. Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are referred to the announcement dated 8 December 2020 (“previous announcement”) pertaining to the acquisition by Northam of preference shares in Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”), (“Zambezi preference shares”).

    Northam is pleased to announce that, since the date of the previous announcement, it has acquired 1 525 728 Zambezi preference shares and has agreed to acquire a further 9 876 775 Zambezi preference shares from a material shareholder as further detailed in paragraph 3 below, in aggregate amounting to 11 402 503 Zambezi preference shares and representing a total cash consideration of approximately R1.1 billion (“acquisition”). Following implementation of the acquisition, Northam will hold 139 972 496 Zambezi preference shares, representing approximately 87.5% of all Zambezi preference shares in issue.

  4. As stated in the previous announcement, Northam’s acquisition of Zambezi preference shares will reduce the preference share dividend expense and liability included in Northam’s consolidated financial statements, as well as Northam’s potential financial exposure under the guarantee it provided in favour of the holders of Zambezi preference shares (“Guarantee”). Furthermore, should Zambezi redeem the Zambezi preference shares through a distribution of ordinary shares in Northam (“Northam shares”) held by Zambezi, then the redemption of the Zambezi preference shares held by Northam at such time will result in a distribution of Northam shares to Northam, thereby reducing the number of Northam shares in issue.

  6. Northam reached an agreement with the Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited (“PIC”) to acquire 9 876 775 Zambezi preference shares from the PIC today, 11 March 2021, at a price of R97.84 per Zambezi preference share, for a total cash consideration of approximately R966.3 million (“related party acquisition”).

    The related party acquisition is not subject to any conditions precedent and will be fully funded from Northam’s internal cash resources.

    The PIC is a “material shareholder” of Northam as defined in the JSE Limited Listings Requirements (“Listings Requirements”), in that, within the preceding 12 months, it has been able to exercise or control the exercise of votes in respect of 10% or more of the Northam shares in issue. Accordingly, the PIC is a related party to Northam as contemplated in paragraph 10.1(b)(i) of the Listings Requirements and the related party acquisition is categorised as a “small related party transaction” in terms of paragraph 10.7 as read with paragraph 10.8 of the Listings Requirements.

    In terms of paragraph 10.7 of the Listings Requirements, the related party acquisition is not subject to shareholder approval, provided that an independent professional expert confirms that the terms of the related party acquisition are fair as far as shareholders are concerned. Northam has appointed BDO Corporate Finance Proprietary Limited (“BDO”) as the independent professional expert for purposes of providing an opinion in respect of the fairness of the related party acquisition (“fairness opinion”).

    BDO has considered the terms and conditions of the related party acquisition and is of the opinion that the related party acquisition is fair to shareholders. A copy of the fairness opinion is available for inspection for a period of 28 days from the date of this announcement, at Northam’s registered office being, Building 4, 1st Floor, Maxwell Office Park, Magwa Crescent West, Waterfall City, Jukskei View.

  8. The Zambezi preference shares are cumulative, non-participating redeemable preference shares which accrue dividends at a nominal rate equal to the South African prime interest rate plus 3.5%, calculated on a daily basis, based on a 365-day year, compounded annually. The Zambezi preference shares were listed on the securities exchange operated by the JSE Limited on 11 May 2015.

    Subject to certain exceptions, the Zambezi preference shares are redeemable on 17 May 2025 and will be redeemed, at Zambezi’s election, in cash and / or through the distribution of Northam shares held by Zambezi. The redemption of the Zambezi preference shares is secured by the Guarantee and if the Guarantee is called upon, Northam will, at its election, settle the associated liability using cash and / or through the issue of new Northam shares.

    As reported in the annual financial statements of Northam for the year ended 30 June 2020, the Zambezi preference share liability amounted to approximately R8.3 billion and the accumulated preference share dividends for the financial year amounted to approximately R1.1 billion. As mentioned above, the acquisition by Northam of Zambezi preference shares will further reduce the Zambezi preference share liability and accumulated preference share dividends which are recognised in Northam’s consolidated financial statements. The accounting policies adopted by Northam in the preparation of its annual financial statements are in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.

    11 March 2021

    Corporate Advisor, Sponsor and Debt Sponsor to Northam
    One Capital

    Attorneys to Northam
    Webber Wentzel

    Independent Professional Expert to Northam
    BDO Corporate Finance Proprietary Limited

Interest payments notification – NHM012 AND NHM015

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Monday, 15 March 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Monday, 15 March 2021:

Bond Code: NHM012
ISIN: ZAG000160136
Coupon: 7.35%
Interest Period: 14 December 2020 to 14 March 2021
Interest Amount Due: R9 575 916.29
Payment Date: 15 March 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM015
ISIN: ZAG000164922
Coupon: 6.9%
Interest Period: 14 December 2020 to 14 March 2021
Interest Amount Due: R8 601 369.86
Payment Date: 15 March 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

10 March 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Listing of tap issue – NHM016

The JSE Limited (“JSE”) has granted approval for the listing of a tap issuance of Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes under series NHM016 (“Notes”), issued under the Northam Platinum Limited ZAR15 000 000 000 Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, dated 29 October 2020, as amended and/or supplemented from time to time (“Programme”), as guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, with effect from 10 March 2021.

The JSE Limited (“JSE”) has granted approval for the listing of a tap issuance of Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes under series NHM016 (“Notes”), issued under the Northam Platinum Limited ZAR15 000 000 000 Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, dated 29 October 2020, as amended and/or supplemented from time to time (“Programme”), as guaranteed by Booysendal Platinum Proprietary Limited, with effect from 10 March 2021.

The details pertaining to the tap issuance of the NHM016 series are as follows:

Instrument Type: Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes
Total Notes in Issue: ZAR7 228 815 839 including this issue
Instrument Code NHM016
Tranche Number: 5
Nominal Amount: ZAR100 000 000
Issue Price: 100.58379%
Interest Rate: 3 Month ZAR-JIBAR plus 425 bps per annum
Interest Rate Determination Date(s):       11 August, 11 November, 11 February, and 11 May (or the first Business Day of each Interest Period) of each year until the Maturity Date
Coupon Rate Indicator: Floating
Issue Date: 10 March 2021
Interest Commencement Date: 11 February 2021
Maturity Date: 11 May 2025
Final Redemption Amount: 100% of Nominal Amount
Last Day to Register: By 17h00 on 31 July, 31 October, 31 January and 30 April of each year until the Maturity Date or if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day before each Books Closed Period
Books Closed Period: 1 August to 10 August, 1 November to 10 November, 1 February to 10 February and 1 May to 10 May of each year until the Maturity Date (all dates inclusive), or if any early redemption occurs, 10 Days prior to the actual Redemption Date
Floating Interest Payment Date(s): 11 August, 11 November, 11 February, and 11 May of each year until the Maturity Date, or, if such day is not a Business Day, the Business Day on which interest will be paid, as determined in accordance with the Applicable Business Day Convention
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): ZAG000167750
Business Day Convention: Following Business Day
Other: The applicable pricing supplement (“APS”) does not contain additional terms and conditions to the Terms and Conditions as contained in the Programme. The APS is available on Northam’s website:

The Notes will be immobilised in the Central Securities Depository (CSD) and settlement will take place electronically in terms of JSE Rules.

9 March 2021

Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam in respect of the Programme
One Capital

Attorneys to Northam, the Arranger and the Dealer in respect of the Programme
Bowman Gilfillan Inc.

Interest payment notification – NHM017

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Friday, 26 February 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Friday, 26 February 2021:

Bond Code: NHM017
ISIN No: ZAG000167891
Coupon: 5.808%
Interest Period: 26 November 2020 to 25 February 2021
Interest Amount Due: R40 990.16
Payment Date: 26 February 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

23 February 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payments notification – NHM018, NHM019 AND NHM020

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Thursday, 25 February 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Thursday, 25 February 2021:

Bond Code: NHM018
ISIN: ZAG000168097
Coupon: 7.108%
Interest Period: 25 November 2020 to 24 February 2021
Interest Amount Due: R22 830 428.62
Payment Date: 25 February 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM019
ISIN: ZAG000168105
Coupon: 7.358%
Interest Period: 25 November 2020 to 24 February 2021
Interest Amount Due: R15 578 801.10
Payment Date: 25 February 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM020
ISIN: ZAG000172594
Coupon: 7.1%
Interest Period: 25 November 2020 to 24 February 2021
Interest Amount Due: R2 362 257.53
Payment Date: 25 February 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

22 February 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification – NHM011

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Wednesday, 24 February 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Wednesday, 24 February 2021:

Bond Code: NHM011
ISIN: ZAG000159237
Coupon: 7.1%
Interest Period: 24 November 2020 to 23 February 2021
Interest Amount Due: R9 270 071.23
Payment Date: 24 February 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

19 February 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification – NHM014

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Monday, 22 February 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Monday, 22 February 2021:

Bond Code: NHM014
ISIN: ZAG000163650
Coupon: 5.85%
Interest Period: 20 November 2020 to 21 February 2021
Interest Amount Due: R29 076 904.11
Payment Date: 22 February 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

17 February 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Trading statement and trading update H1 FY2021

In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, companies are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they are satisfied, with a reasonable degree of certainty, that the financial results for the current reporting period will differ by at least 20% from the financial results of the previous corresponding period.

In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, companies are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they are satisfied, with a reasonable degree of certainty, that the financial results for the current reporting period will differ by at least 20% from the financial results of the previous corresponding period.

Northam will report an increase in operating profit for the six months ended 31 December 2020 (“H1 F2021”), underpinned by a satisfactory performance from all operations, against the backdrop of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic (“COVID-19”). 

Production and unit cash costs

A key feature of H1 F2021 has been the positive operational response to the ongoing challenges of COVID-19, whilst maintaining the health and safety of our employees.  The strong performance from all the operations has led to the group producing equivalent refined metal comparable to pre-COVID-19 production schedules and at production levels higher than the previous corresponding period.

The group achieved a 15.0% increase in production from own operations at 352 741 oz 4E, compared to 306 738 oz 4E for the period ended 31 December 2019 (“H1 F2020”), notwithstanding the ongoing phased restart of operations, particularly impacting the conventional Zondereinde mine, where only 90% of mining crews have returned to work.

Purchased material decreased by 3.2% to 18 772 oz 4E (H1 F2020: 19 398 oz 4E).  The cost of purchased material is determined by ruling commodity prices, resulting in a cost increase of 34.9%.

Group unit cash costs per equivalent refined platinum ounce increased above inflation, primarily due to Eland mine’s production currently being derived from surface sources and purchased at prevailing metal prices. 

The table below sets out the unit cash cost for the group and per operation for H1 F2021 compared to H1 F2020:

  Unit cash cost Unit cash cost  
  H1 F2021 H1 F2020  
  R/Pt oz R/Pt oz % variance
Group cash cost per equivalent refined platinum ounce 27 660 24 780 (11.6%)
Zondereinde cash cost per equivalent refined platinum ounce 28 473 25 890 (10.0%)
Booysendal cash cost per platinum ounce in concentrate produced 20 288 18 714 (8.4%)
Eland cash cost per platinum ounce in concentrate produced 39 476 29 227 (35.1%)

The key production measures for H1 F2021 compared to H1 F2020 are summarised in the table below:

  Equivalent refined production Equivalent refined production  
  H1 F2021 H1 F2020  
  oz 4E oz 4E % variance
Production from Zondereinde 166 773 162 380 2.7%
Production from Booysendal 165 864 128 876 28.7%
Production from Eland 20 104 15 482 29.9%
Total production from own operations 352 741 306 738 15.0%
Purchased material 18 772 19 398 (3.2%)
Total production 371 513 326 136 13.9%


Sales volumes during the period under review were adversely affected by the impact of factors arising as a result of COVID-19, in particular the negative effect on metal transport logistics during the last quarter of the previous financial year.  Previously reported production losses, together with logistical hurdles, including border closures, resulted in reduced metal volumes sent to Northam’s refiner in Germany which created a refining backlog. This in turn impacted available metal for sale during the period under review, due to the restocking of the inventory pipeline.  As a result of the varying refining lead times affecting individual platinum group metals, the impact was predominantly experienced in respect of rhodium.

The resultant lower contribution of rhodium to overall sales during the period, distorted the average realised basket price achieved during H1 F2021 and consequently reduced cash inflows reported during the period. Excess rhodium in the pipeline will be released in the ordinary course of business and the relative contribution of rhodium to sales is expected to normalise during the course of the remainder of the current financial year.

Despite the adverse COVID-19 related impact on sales volumes, sales revenue increased by 51.9% from R7.8 billion in H1 F2020 to R11.9 billion for the period under review. This increase is attributable to a 49.7% increase in the average 4E basket price to USD2 160/oz (H1 F2020: USD1 443/oz), a 9.0% weaker ZAR/USD exchange rate realised and a 4.4% decrease in refined 4E ounces sold, for the reasons stated above.

Total revenue per platinum ounce sold increased by 53.8% to R61 307/Pt oz (H1 F2020: R39 864/Pt oz), resulting in a cash profit margin per platinum ounce in excess of 50%.

Total refined volumes remained marginally unchanged at 322 170 oz 4E (H1 F2020: 319 264 oz 4E).

The table below details the despatched metal volumes to Northam’s precious metal refiner, compared to the refined metal volumes and sales volumes, in respect of the period under review:

  Despatched Refined Sales Average sales prices achieved
  oz oz oz USD/oz
Platinum 202 000 197 896 193 859 934
Palladium 100 500 98 843 96 854 2 296
Rhodium 30 000 21 097 20 268 13 296
Gold 4 200 4 334 4 339 1 895
Total oz 4E 336 700 322 170 315 320 2 160

Total refined metal sold in H1 F2020 amounted to 307 312 oz 4E.

Financial results

The group’s financial results were impacted by lower sales volumes relative to actual production, which in turn impacted operating profit, the cash position of the group and therefore the net debt position as at 31 December 2020.

The combination of lower refined sales volumes and increased production resulted in a 25.5% increase in inventory on hand, to 276 235 oz 4E (F2020: 220 172 oz 4E on hand).

During the period under review, the group generated R1.9 billion in free cash flow, which was applied towards further purchases of Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”) preference shares. 74 974 739 Zambezi preference shares were acquired during H1 F2021 at a premium to face value (being the difference between the face value of the Zambezi preference shares and the price that Northam paid, together with transaction costs incurred on the purchases of these Zambezi preference shares), which resulted in a once off loss on derecognition of the Zambezi preference share liability of R0.9 billion.

The table below provides the key financial features of H1 F2021, compared to H1 F2020:

  H1 F2021 H1 F2020 % variance
Basic earnings per share (cents) 583.5 – 616.3 328.0 77.9% - 87.9%
Headline earnings per share (cents) 583.5 – 616.3 328.3 77.7% - 87.7%
Normalised headline earnings per share (cents) 623.0 – 660.0 369.6 68.6% - 78.6%
Number of shares in issue including treasury shares 509 781 212 509 781 212
Weighted average number of shares* 349 875 759 349 875 759

*Used to determine the basic and headline earnings per share, calculated as 509 781 212 shares in issue less 159 905 453 shares held by Zambezi. Zambezi is Northam’s major empowerment shareholder and Zambezi’s financial results are consolidated into the group’s financial results.

Capital expenditure

Capital expenditure reduced to R1.3 billion (H1 F2020: R1.4 billion). This is the combined result of capital trimming following the onset of COVID-19, together with capital projects having either been completed, or nearing completion at Booysendal mine. R918.1 million (H1 F2020: R1.2 billion) was spent on expansionary capital expenditure and R380.5 million (H1 F2020: R200.5 million) on sustaining capital expenditure.

Projects that were temporarily scaled back include - the Central Merensky module at Booysendal mine; aspects of the number 3 shaft project at Zondereinde mine; and the stoping build-up at Eland mine. Following greater market certainty developing during the second half of 2020, all curtailed growth projects were re-initiated in October 2020 and the majority of stoppage impacts have been clawed back. As such, the overall impact on the group’s growth strategy will be minimal.

Group capital expenditure for F2021 is forecast to amount to R3.0 billion.  However, the potential for further disruption to operations and the metal markets as a result of COVID-19 remains. We continue to monitor the market and will amend our capital program where and when prudent.

The group continues to execute on its strategy of developing low-cost, long-life assets in order to position itself at the lower end of the industry cost curve. We believe that the development of our project pipeline which builds on our pre-existing and acquired asset base is bearing fruit and will continue to position Northam to deliver a strong operational and financial performance.

Acquisition of Zambezi preference shares

Northam’s strategy of returning value to shareholders remains unchanged and Northam believes that, to date, the most efficient mechanism to return value to Northam’s shareholders has been through the purchase of Zambezi preference shares.

The acquisition of the Zambezi preference shares reduces the preference share dividend expense and liability included in Northam’s consolidated financial results, as well as Northam’s potential financial exposure under the guarantee provided to holders of Zambezi preference shares, should the guarantee be called upon. Furthermore, in the event that Zambezi elects to redeem the Zambezi preference shares through a distribution of Northam ordinary shares held by Zambezi, then the redemption of the Zambezi preference shares held by Northam at such time will result in a distribution of Northam shares to Northam, thereby reducing the number of Northam shares in issue.

During H1 F2021, Northam continued to purchase Zambezi preference shares and held 128 569 993 Zambezi preference shares at 31 December 2020, representing c.80.4% of all Zambezi preference shares in issue. During the period under review Northam acquired 74 974 739 Zambezi preference shares for a consideration of R6.9 billion, which was financed by means of internally generated cash, the issue of R1.5 billion worth of Domestic Medium-Term Notes and draw downs on the revolving credit facility, increasing the net debt position of the group to R8.8 billion as at 31 December 2020 (F2020: R3.3 billion).

To date, purchases of Zambezi preference shares have amounted to R10.9 billion. The average premium paid on these purchases amounts to 8.4% (expressed as a percentage to face value, being the capital amount and all accrued Zambezi preference share dividends, calculated on the date of each acquisition). 

Northam achieving more than 80% ownership of the Zambezi preference shares represents a significant step in the pursuit of the company’s previously stated intention to accelerate the maturity of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi in May 2015, as announced on 2 November 2020.


In summary, whilst the COVID-19 pandemic and its wide-ranging knock-on effects adversely impacted sales and the metal in pipeline during the period under review, the underlying operations have performed well.

The financial information contained in this announcement has not been reviewed or reported on by Northam’s auditors. The reviewed results for the six months ended 31 December 2020 are expected to be published on or about 19 March 2021.

16 February 2021

Sponsor and Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payment notification – NHM016

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Thursday, 11 February 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Thursday, 11 February 2021:

Bond Code: NHM016
ISIN: ZAG000167750
Coupon: 7.583%
Interest Period: 11 November 2020 to 10 February 2021
Interest Amount Due: R19 991 893.86
Payment Date: 11 February 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

8 February 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Renewal of cautionary announcement

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are referred to the cautionary announcement published on SENS on Monday, 2 November 2020, and the subsequent renewal of cautionary announcement published on SENS on Monday, 14 December 2020, wherein shareholders were advised that Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi Platinum”) had entered into discussions regarding a potential transaction to accelerate the maturity of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi Platinum in May 2015, whilst maintaining Northam’s broad-based black economic empowerment ownership (“potential transaction”).

Northam shareholders (“shareholders”) are referred to the cautionary announcement published on SENS on Monday, 2 November 2020, and the subsequent renewal of cautionary announcement published on SENS on Monday, 14 December 2020, wherein shareholders were advised that Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi Platinum”) had entered into discussions regarding a potential transaction to accelerate the maturity of the empowerment transaction concluded between Northam and Zambezi Platinum in May 2015, whilst maintaining Northam’s broad-based black economic empowerment ownership (“potential transaction”).

Shareholders are advised that discussions between Northam and Zambezi Platinum regarding the potential transaction are ongoing and if successfully concluded, the potential transaction may have a material effect on the price of Northam’s securities. Accordingly, shareholders are advised to continue exercising caution when dealing in Northam’s securities until a further announcement is published.

28 January 2021

Corporate Advisor, Sponsor and Debt Sponsor to Northam
One Capital

Interest payment notification – NHM009

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Tuesday, 26 January 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payment due on Tuesday, 26 January 2021:

Bond Code: NHM009
ISIN No: ZAG000158866
Coupon: 7.083%
Interest Period: 26 October 2020 to 25 January 2021
Interest Amount Due: R1 785 304.11
Payment Date: 26 January 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

21 January 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Interest payments notification – NHM006 AND NHM007

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Monday, 18 January 2021:

Northam bondholders are advised of the following interest payments due on Monday, 18 January 2021:

Bond Code: NHM006
ISIN No: ZAG000158577
Coupon: 6.6%
Interest Period: 16 October 2020 to 17 January 2021
Interest Amount Due: R2 097 342.90
Payment Date: 18 January 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

Bond Code: NHM007
ISIN No: ZAG000158593
Coupon: 7.1%
Interest Period: 16 October 2020 to 17 January 2021
Interest Amount Due: R2 581 576.27
Payment Date: 18 January 2021
Date Convention: Following Business Day

13 January 2021

Debt Sponsor
One Capital