At Zondereinde, we have been working to transform our procurement approach in order to support local entrepreneurs in breaching economic divide which is so apparent in the country’s outlying areas. This journey of internal transformation has supported the creation of MJZ Mining, a black-owned company appointed to provide underground mining services at Zondereinde.
![SMMEs [photo]](/images/sust-cs-redefining-emp-smmes.jpg)
Our operations are in rural communities and face difficulties from poor infrastructure, limited economic opportunities and skills shortages preventing employability of local people..
![Northam communities [photo]](/images/sust-cs-responsible-sourcing.jpg)
Northam operations are located within sensitive freshwater resource management areas where the demand for water is high. The Groot-Dwars River system runs through the area of our Booysendal operations and is a freshwater priority area that lies within the greater Oliphants Water Management Area. Both Zondereinde and Eland fall within the Limpopo Water Management Area.
![Zondereinde operations
rely on hydropower to drive underground mining equipment [photo]](/images/northam-sustainaiblity-report-2022-p50-cropped.jpg)
During the year, we identified exploration drilling at Booysendal as a business opportunity for local businesses and through a competitive tendering process, we appointed a 100% Black owned, Reaga Exploration Drilling (Pty) Ltd, as a drilling contractor.
![Reaga drill rig at Booysendal [photo]](/images/sust-cs-booysendal-drilling.jpg)
Northam has contributed some R14 million to the renovation of education infrastructure at three schools in the Eastern Cape.
![Sichwe school children [photo]](/images/sust-cs-effective-learning-01.jpg)
Investing on education also extends to mine line management and executive leadership. In line with our vision to be a long-life, major producer of platinum group metals, Zondereinde mine has an ‘accelerated programme’ to achieve pre-Covid production levels and improve organisational effectiveness.
![Future proofing [photo]](/images/sust-cs-future-proofing.jpg)
In addition to meeting its own operational water needs, Northam also invests in water supply and sanitation projects for local communities through its community investment programmes and social and labour plans (SLP).
![Water management [photo]](/images/sust-cs-collaborative-water-management.jpg)
The Buttonshope Conservancy Trust was established in 2010 and formally registered in 2011 to ensure the conservation, rehabilitation and protection of the natural environment around our Booysendal operation.
![The Buttonshope Conservancy Trust [photo]](/images/sust-cs-booysendal-tbct.jpg)
Heraeus Precious Metals, fully owned by the German-based Heraeus Group, has over 170 years of history in the world of precious metals, specifically gold, silver and PGMs
![Heraeus [photo]](/images/sust-cs-heraeus-pm.jpg)
Johnson Matthey’s vision is for a world that is cleaner and healthier, today and for future generations. Our contribution to that world is based on the transformative power of platinum group metal (PGM) chemistry, where our 200-year history gives us a unique advantage.
![Johnson Matthey [photo]](/images/sust-cs-jm-decartonisation.jpg)
The mining industry is continually making engineering and process improvements to enhance safety for mine workers. At Northam, we have successfully adopted a variety of leading practices based on the risk profile and operational characteristics of our mines.
![Modern safety [photo]](/images/sust-cs-modern-safety.jpg)
Operating at between 1 100 metres and 2 300 metres below surface, Zondereinde is the deepest platinum mine in the world. This depth and the mine’s specific geology have presented unique operational challenges since Zondereinde’s inception.
![Mine worker [photo]](/images/sust-cs-backfill-and-hydro.jpg)